Wednesday, 10 Av, 5784
  |  August 14, 2024

Romney Takes Obama to Task

A new political ad for Mitt Romney’s campaign slams President Barack Obama for not visiting Israel during his time in office. Video

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I dislike politics!
August 9, 2012 10:57 am

says in pirkei avos, daven for the welfare of the governemt, cuz otherwise they will swallow each other alive!!! so just hope everyone is making the right decision and davening!!!!

to post number 6
August 9, 2012 9:31 am

if you get Obama a second term… you deserve Obama.
Oi ma hoyio lanu!
No gov will help us only Mashiach!

new president
August 9, 2012 3:52 am

A new president is always good as he has what to lose.

the next 4 years
August 8, 2012 11:47 pm

If Obama wins the elections, america get ready for a a rude awakening bec obama is going to show another side to him that won t be good.

good going romney
August 8, 2012 9:54 pm

yet another one of your false narratives…you dont deserve to be president…

I'm not into politics but I hope this brings Obama down.
August 8, 2012 9:39 pm

And in a way (I think) I hope Mitt wins. To #1: It’sdiff with Obama. If he wants respect from Jews, he has to respect and our things precious to us. (But HE already blew it).

August 8, 2012 9:16 pm

To # 1 the difference is Obama made a trip to Egypt, a meager few miles but thought it was not important to include Israel in his Journey. if you cant differentiate< then vote for your man Obama.

@ #5
August 8, 2012 9:05 pm

Yasher koach to poster #5…nice to know that some chasidim haven’t fallen for the Republican brainwashing

Petty issue
August 8, 2012 7:02 pm

It doesn’t matter 70% of the Jews will vote for O.
Romney is a fake. The embassy won’t be moved and Pollard won’t be released.
Romney does not have a shred of conservativism in his bones.

@ #4
August 8, 2012 4:51 pm

Actually, Bush visited Egypt, Jordan, Qatar, and Iraq in his first term without every stepping foot in Israel. Bush, as his father, chided Israel numerous times for prolonged military operations in Judea and Semaria. Bush’s Secretary of State — Condi Rice — regularly criticized Israel for settlement building and roadblocks — just Google it. The first comment referred to Reagan, Clinton, and the two Bushes, but as the political flunky that you are, you ignore the actions of Clinton and the two Bushes and obsess over Reagan — a man who called on Israel to halt settlement building numerous times… Read more »

August 8, 2012 2:41 pm

@ 1
Regan did not visit Egypt, Iraq and Saudi Arabia and skip out Israel, Obama did. Regan did not verbally attack Israel while visiting Arab countries, Obama did. Regan’s secretary of state did not verbally attack Israel while visiting Israel, Obama’s did.
And Regan did not promise to visit Israel in his second term, if the Jews voted for him, Obama did.
Obama is a disgrace, how any Jew can vote for him again I will never know.

Wake up Jewish supporters!
August 8, 2012 2:34 pm

These times are very different from past presidents, who supported Israel from afar. Obama visited the Middle East region, and failed to recognize or visit Israel then. He puts on a phony front for money and votes, while behind our backs, actually plots for Israel’s demise.

Focused on meaningless side issues
August 8, 2012 2:06 pm

They left out the main point. Obama said he wants Israel to retreat to the 1949 armistice lines. In other words, he wants Israel to annihilate themselves. He only pulled back from this when the Jewish Democrats pressured him. A second term with Obama will be very dangerous for Israel

pure garbage
August 8, 2012 1:25 pm

reagan (r) did not visited israel during his 8 years, bush sr (r) did not visited israel during his 4 years, clinton (d) visited countless times, bush jr (r) did not visit israel during the first seven years of his presidency, only to visit during his 8th and final year, when, as we all know, no body wanted him around the usa, particularly the republican party during the presidential race.

so please, this is totally asinine. if you want to say obama never visited than include reagen (the god of republicans), and the bushes.