By COLlive reporter
A branch of the famed Rita’s Italian Ice and Frozen Custard is opening in Crown Heights in the next few days.
The popular ices and ice cream shop, which has 800 locations in the US, is known for its Gelato ices, ice cream, and cupcakes.
The new shop on Lincoln Place just off Kingston Avenue is the fifth location for franchisees Steve and Shira Silverstein, residents of the Five Towns, NY, adding to their other Kosher locations in Brooklyn and the Five Towns.
Silverstein says the new shop will be under the OU supervision and will be cholov yisroel.
He says he decided on opening a branch in Crown Heights due to “great demand, and many requests.”
The products in the shop will have the same pricing as the non-kosher versions, he says.
COLlive reporter Moshe Frank got the details from owner Steve Silverstein.
VIDEO: Benny Friedman (and his sons) take on the new Rita’s in Crown Heights
I hope there is an option of natural food coloring inside these ice creams!
Do you think he’ll have a “Natural” section?
Agree. It’s about time
Frozen custard is naturally colored I believe, vanilla and chocolate.
Where and when?
lincoln place between kingston and brooklyn
Where will it be located
All we needed was more sugar and coloring for our hyper, A.D.D , A.D.H.D. etc. wild kids! lol!
Well, it’s still better than the Kosher Ice Cream Trucks that bring the sugar and chemicals right to your front door!
YUM!!! I love Rita’s ices!
Will there be any sugar free options ?
If you are opening in Crown Heights you should go under CHK or OK not OU.
Oh you said it so well!!
It’s not a politics thing, but there are different standards of kashrus for cholov yisroel, i.e. equipment kashering, etc. Everything else the OU should be fine. If they buy all new equipment and don’t allow work done on Shabbos, should be ok.
However I wish it would be a better hashgacha such as chk or ok .I think he would have more business from the strict crowd. However overall I very nice thing to have another kosher shop
Will the OU kasher the keilim at 212? I dont know if they are makpid on that. He should request that
They are currently working on getting CHK, however they Hashgacha wants to visit the plant where the powders are manufactured.
But traveling may be difficult now bc of the virus. So start out with the OU now – since it is summer and ice cream sells in the summer – and then switch to a local hechsher with higher standards when that becomes possible. Chevra this is America & no one is forcing you to eat anything. Hatzlocha Rabba !!
Doesn’t make sense. They want a good hechsher, but that hechsher is not going to be machshir unless they actually find out about the kashrus of the products. So instead of having chk check the kashrus they’re just going with ou, who I guess is just not checking the kashrus of the powder…? And based on this people are supposed to eat there? Am I supposed to feel better feeding this to my kids now that I know that they are circumventing the badatz’s bedikos? I’m sure ou has some basis for giving a hechsher, but to say that the… Read more »
the OU has surely been to the original plant plenty of times as they certify it already for the other locations.
CHK wants to see for themselves so they need to wait until they can get there.
Sounds really exciting.
However, I would not feel comfortable buying OU Chalav Yisroel. A pity.
Mr Steve In Boro Park you got a local chassidish hechsher, please do the same here.
Why are people always complaining?!
If you want different terms, then you go ahead and open up your own place!!
Cant you be happy for the new owners?
I wish them lots of success!!
Why is it that when people share some important feedback, they get put down as being a complainer or negative. I never got that. Basically, no one can say anything unless it meets what you consider it worthwhile to open up about, and otherwise you put them down.
It is to the store owner’s benefit to hear that many people will not eat there with O-U. There are many, many details about kashrus that different communities hold differently about.
A chossid should never be embarrassed about keeping to standards of a chossid.
If it’s opening IN CH it needs a different hechsher than the OU
That is a given
would be nice to see more comments just wishing a fellow yid Hatzlacha in his endeavors. If you have questions, it’s fine, but no need to be negative. If you don’t want to go there because of kashrus or health concerns, just don’t
Hatzlacha Rabbah on the business!!
I want him to be matzliach and I even want to bring my kids there to eat his ice cream. I want to give him my money. I appreciate that he is building up the Rebbes shchunah, which is something very important to the Rebbe and very important to me. Unfortunately, I can’t do that if the hechsher is OU. So we’re letting him know that we would like to help and support is endeavor, but not at the expense of our principles and standards. This is of benefit to every business owner to know that he had effectively boxed… Read more »
First and foremost GOOD LUCK TO HIM – MUCH HATZLACHA. 2nd, most people are perfectly fine with OU and the FEW that aren’t still have plenty of other options. CHK is a tiny Hechsher and obviously doesn’t have the connections and long history giving hashgacha to these far away companies. As “Touring the plant seems like the best thing” said, they probably can’t even get there at this point in time. There’s absolutely no reason a business should wait to open and miss crucial business opportunity times to wait around for CHK to get there. As for OK which is… Read more »
can we please get some options with no food coloring, id totally bring my kids if there were some safe options just like all other ice cream shops have
What’s the problem with ou
Moshiach NOW!
No problem, just politics .
Yes, this is just what our chasiddishe neighbourhood was missing. Another business dedicated to indulging our taavos.
I think I was you. 10 years ago. Before my kids grew up a bit.
This is a taave I can live with.
I just hope they will be located on the Crown Heights frontier.
Gentrification is good.
I love that all food on the same block – CH food district I wish u can close this street for pedestrians only so we can enjoy relaxing outside sitting and kids can have ice cream and play around … like in olden good days
Nice idea!
These are the yummiest Italian Ices ever! My family is SO excited about this, welcome to the neighborhood! We wish you much Hatzlacha