Thursday, 17 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 25, 2024

Revolutionary Breakthrough: The Rebbe’s Esrog Replanted in Calabria

In the past, you needed to choose either an Esrog from Calabria (Yanover Esrog) or an Esrog from the seeds of the Rebbe's Esrog grown in Israel. Now you can have both in one. With the Hashgacha of the CHK and the Badatz Edah Hachareidis. Full Story

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Altein is were the rebbe purchased
September 18, 2023 12:30 pm

Altein is the highest standard

September 18, 2023 2:13 pm

What is the source about the Rebbe’s concern re the integrity of the Yanover Esrogim?

Reply to  source?
September 18, 2023 6:25 pm

אגרות קודש חלק כ”ג עמוד רי”א
and much more
see chabadpedia אתרוג קלבריה – חב”דפדיה (chabadpedia.co.il)

"Yanever Soil"
September 18, 2023 2:34 pm

Yanaver Soil

“the rich “Yanaver” soil.” It’s grown in Calabria which doesn’t have Yanever soil. “Yanev” is Genoa in Yiddish, which was the port city from where the Calabrian esrogim were shipped, but it’s hundreds of miles away.

"Yanever Soil"
September 18, 2023 2:35 pm

“the rich “Yanaver” soil.” It’s grown in Calabria which doesn’t have Yanever soil. “Yanev” is Genoa in Yiddish, which was the port city from where the Calabrian esrogim were shipped, but it’s hundreds of miles away.

"Yanever Soil"
Reply to  "Yanever Soil"
September 19, 2023 5:31 pm

Why did 3 people dislike my comment which is 100% emes?
It’s called a “Yanover” esrog because of the port city, Genoa, from where it was shipped to the rest of the Europe.
Genoa is in North West Italy. Calabria, where the Yanover esrogim were ALWAYS grown are not grown in “Yanover soil”, because it’s hundreds of miles away, in Calabria which is in the south of Italy.
It’s still a Yanover esrog.
I thought Lubavitchers were smart.

The Rebbe says the same thing
Reply to  "Yanever Soil"
September 19, 2023 7:32 pm

The Rebbe says the exact same thing as much comment says!!!

עדות לכך אנו מוצאים גם במכתב הרבי: “מנהג חסידי חב”ד לקחת ארבעת המינים את האתרוגים הגדלים בדרום איטליא ונקראים בשם ‘קאלאבער’ ע”ש מקום גידולם, או בשם ‘יאנובער’ ע”ש העיר שמשם היו שולחים אותם מלפנים. בשנים האחרונות היו קונים אותם אצל האחים קרעה בגינוא, ועל אתרוג כזה היה מברך כ”ק מו”ח אדמו”ר”[

Pinchos Woolstone
September 18, 2023 8:03 pm

What is the average price for the 414?

September 18, 2023 8:12 pm

For information how to obtain one of these Esroigim in L.A. call 347-564-9722

Seriously asking
September 19, 2023 1:09 am

Why is this a thing? Using an esrog of a rebbe and having it like a “hiskashrus(whichever the world night be) thing”
Did we see this by the Rebbe himself?, using other rebbeims esrog like the way shown here?
Seriously asking, dont understand the “need” or where this comes from.

Reply to  Seriously asking
September 19, 2023 8:37 am

Since (even) on yanover esrogim some doubt the fact they aren’t Murkav,

So technically only the Rebbes esrog can you be sure that it is not Murkav

Reply to  Imo
September 19, 2023 1:19 pm

How can you be technically sure that the Rebbe’s esrog wasn’t murkav?
Does it not have the same chance as all the others?

The rebbe gave his Esrog for this purpose
Reply to  Seriously asking
September 19, 2023 6:54 pm

This was the Rebbe’s idea

Reply to  Seriously asking
September 20, 2023 5:54 pm

The generations, change. We want to be like our Rebbe. Use seeds from our rebbes Esrog. You can get a Esrog from the same plantation (trees) that the rebbe got his Esrog. Or just support Israel and go to a kosher Esrog store. Probably $50 ok lulove. 3 hadasim 2 aruvote. And you’ll “do the mitzvah” Or you can be a Mekusher Lubavitcher. And get the Esrog that you think is the best way to be connected with the rebbe. Up to you. But for these 414 people that feel Mekusher/ Better/ feel that this is the best way and… Read more »