In a heartwarming celebration marking a year of dedicated work, Released Time instructors gathered for a delightful lunch that resonated with appreciation and camaraderie.
Held to commemorate the 180 instructors’ efforts and achievements, the event was a testament to the amazing accomplishments throughout the 2023/2024 school year including establishing 7 new Released Time schools.
Rabbi Shazak Zirkind, the Program Director, opened the program by expressing heartfelt gratitude to the instructors. He acknowledged their unwavering commitment and tireless efforts, which had not only shaped the lives of countless children but also uplifted families as a whole to Yidishkeit.
The atmosphere was one of joy and reflection, as instructors shared stories of their experiences and the transformative power of education during the Released Time hour.
Rabbi Sholem Ber Hecht, Chairman of NCFJE (National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education), recounted the reports detailing the instructors’ remarkable journey on Shavuos, where they ventured by foot to every public school, bringing a tailored program to 1500 eager children. Rabbi Hecht’s admiration for their dedication was palpable as he reflected on the impact Released Time has had. “Many homes now have Mezuzahs and keep kosher in their homes, all because of your inspiration,” said Rabbi Hecht.
As a token of appreciation, each instructor was presented with a beautiful “Shaloh book,” a compilation rich with the history and teachings encapsulating the essence of Released Time.
The lunch concluded with a sense of renewal and anticipation for the next school year, as Released Time instructors reaffirmed their dedication to empowering next year’s public school students with Torah true education.
The Released Time program is the flagship program of the National Committee for Furtherance of Jewish Education. Since its inception in 1941, more than 300,000 children received a fun and meaningful jewish education through the program.
and the effects just keep going