At a surprise farbrengen on Erev Rosh Chodesh Menachem AV 5734, the Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke words that are incredibly relevant to the situation we are in today.
The Rebbe requested to publicize this message to all Jews everywhere, especially to children, to encourage everyone to give Tzedakah during every (week)day of the nine days and double on Friday. .
We are now right before the Nine Days, from Rosh Chodesh to Tisha B’Av.
The purpose and completion of these days is to speedily turn them into days of happiness and joy.
Although it is a time of extra darkness—as we are at the end of golus just before Moshiach comes—now is an auspicious time to publicize to every one of the Jewish people to strengthen their אמונה and בטחון in Hashem.
It’s important that we remember that which it says מפני חטאינו גלינו מארצינו. The only reason the Bnei Yisroel were exiled from our land was because of our Avieros.
The Roman and Babylonian empires may have been great and powerful with a tremendous amount of ammunition, whereas the Yidden were so few. Nevertheless, if the Yidden had not sinned, the Goyim would have been unable to exile us, since a non-Jew has no control over the Jewish people.
This is the lesson to us NOW. Even though we are like one sheep amongst 70 wolves, there is no place to have any fear, Chas V’Sholom. There is no place to think, “How can I continue to sleep and work peacefully when I am surrounded by 70 wolves?”
Because one of the brochos that Am Yisroel received is עם לבדד ישכון, a nation that dwells alone, ובגוים לא יתחשב—the Yidden are not counted among the nations of the world.
The Yidden are separated from the rest of the world and its nations. It is as if there is no world around them, and the Yidden are above all rules of nature. It is therefore impossible for anyone to touch even one member of the Jewish people.
Yes, it is true that the other nations denigrate and exclude us. Still, as long as we do
the right thing – as long as we are aligned with Hashem’s will – no one can hurt us.
When we are under Divine protection, the scorn, might, and number of our enemies has no impact or relevance whatsoever. Nobody can harm us in any way.
We ought to remember where we come from. We are founded upon the mighty “boulders,” our Avos, and the magnificent “mountains,” our Imohos.
When we keep in mind who our great-grandparents were, and we follow in their ways, we have no reason to fear at all. We move ahead with confidence in all areas.
The Avos and Imohos began as a small family, alone amongst hostile neighbors. Yet over time, their message, which is Hashem’s message, spread far and wide. Ultimately, their children, the Jewish people, were victorious over their enemies.
It has already been mentioned numerous times, that especially in these days, we should add in Torah and Tzedakah.
In addition to publicizing to everyone, including children, the idea of עם לבדד ישכון, which constitutes an addition of Torah, we should also add in Tzedakah. Everyone, including children, should add a few pennies for Tzedakah each weekday of the Nine Days, at the beginning of the day, and on Friday to give a double portion.
This is an important message for every one of the Jewish people, wherever they may be. It’s important to publicize this to whomever possible so that it reaches every Jew.
It says in Tehillim: מִפִּי עוֹלְלִים וְיֹנְקִים יִסַּדְתָּ עֹז לְהַשְׁבִּית אוֹיֵב וּמִתְנַקֵּם—From the mouths of babes and young children the enemy will be destroyed. Therefore it’s important to explain this message to young children in a format that’s appropriate for them. Because it is important to convey this message to everybody in every location, wherever they may be (and because, for other reasons, it is not necessary to gather everyone in one place), we should visit all the various places where the boys and the girls are located, especially the schools and camps, and explain the above message to them.
When one speaks words that come from the heart, they will enter the heart, and therefore it is certain that this will have the desired effect to strengthen the בטחון in Hashem that הִנֵּה לֹא יָנוּם וְלֹא יִישָׁן שׁוֹמֵר יִשְׂרָאֵל—The guardian of the Yiden neither sleeps nor slumbers, in every place and in all times.
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