Last week our hearts were broken.. Rabbi Sholi Lapidus passed away.
The great joy turned into mourning.. and the Lapidus family lost not only their beloved father but the breadwinner at home.
As the family gets up from Shiva today, and continue reeling in shock from the tragedy and loss, they simultaneously carry another significant burden on their heart. Their financial future and security. Their future Shabbosos, Yomim Tovim, many more Simchos to come iyh, tuition, and their basic daily expenses. The list goes on as every frumeh family is familier with.
Yet, while the burden that lies ahead of them is great, today we have the opportunity to alleviate some of it.
We must rally together to help his young family. The money put together at the start of the campaign had to cover the major overseas medical expenses and the cost of the medical transport that brought him back to Israel.
We now need to raise funds to keep the family on their feet as they adjust to a life without their beloved father and without the main breadwinner of the family.
Please open your hearts and give as much as you can to this special cause.
Click here to donate now!
We miss him. He always had a smile and a good word to tell me