Rabbi Shloimy Greenwald, founder of Kollel L’horaah Ma’asis, suffered a medical emergency while en route to Kazakhstan for Chof Av. Despite being hospitalized in critical condition, his colleagues understood that the Kollel’s annual fundraiser must go on!
Rosh Kollel, Rabbi Sholom Shuchat, opens up about his relationship with Shloimy and their collective dream: to establish a place where yungeleit could learn in a focused and structured environment and receive training in dayanus.
In the merit of Shloimy’s complete recovery, we ask the community to support Limmud HaTorah and sustain his beloved Kollel.
Praying Rabbi Greenwald to have a complete and speedy recovery !
Go figure try to understand the Waze of God. Why would the good Lord, tie his hands behind his back.I don’t know him that well but a little that I know of him is when I look at him I think of a rip current how the water is very calm and quiet on top but underneath the water is moving quickly. Outside such a calm and sweet person but underneath all that the amount of work that he does is unbelievable an incredible.may the good Lord give him a speedily recovery.
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