By COLlive reporter
Rabbi Levi Goldstein, a beloved educator, was discharged from the Specialty Hospital of Central Jersey on Wednesday after a long battle with coronavirus.
He was one of the first residents to be infected by the virus following the holiday of Purim and has been on a ventilator for many weeks at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY.
Tehillim was said for him around the world as his situation turned critical on more than one occasion.
Grateful family members were present as left the hospital with the help of a walker. He was greeted with joyful music as he returned home.
Addressing his family, Rabbi Goldstein had a special request:
“I’d like to ask in the merit of myself and all the people that need a special Yeshua,” he said. “Everyone should take upon themselves one extra thing in Yiddishkeit that they are going to do. It doesn’t matter what, that becomes a keli – vessel for Hashem’s brachos.”
VIDEO: Message from Rabbi Goldstein
Crying from joy!!!
Thank You Hashem for this open miracle!!!
Overwhelmed with joy!chasdei Hashem! I believe in Hashem!
Mazal tov! I’m so glad to hear! Everyone else who needs a refuah should have one quickly!!
wear masks correctly
Boruch Hashem!
Boruch Hashem! May we have the geula shlaima now!
Bh I’m in tears, I don’t know Rabbi Goldstein I only heard about him after he was ill. I specifically davened for him daily and had a special feeling for him, since his son was from the first to awaken the heimishe community to take the situation seriously. I Personally know some elderly people that stopped going out after hearing Goldstein’s heartfelt “rant”. No one will ever know how many lives were saved by his words. Hashem should bentch the family with health happiness and all brachos.
Baruch Hashem!!!!
So emotional, crying from joy
What a miracle!
Chasdei Hashem Yisbarech!!!
Crying tears of joy:)))
This is an open miracle in our days!!! We love you Rabbi Goldstein!
Baruch Hashem!! Thanks for sharing such great news.