By COLlive reporter
Project Likkutei Sichos, the worldwide project to learn all of the Rebbe’s sichos over 7 years, is spreading worldwide, and now Spanish speakers across the globe are involved more than ever.
There are more than 100 shiurim available to be listened to, watched, and viewed live in Spanish, thereby reaching Spanish speaking communities worldwide.
Spanish speakers have joined around the world, and are celebrating, along with participants worldwide, a Siyum on the end of Chelek 12.
“Over 300 Spanish speakers are involved in this amazing initiative, and it’s growing even more with the beginning of Chelek 13,” organizers said.
This coming Tuesday, 2 Sivan, the Spanish speaking communities will join together for a farbrengen and Siyum online.
The Siyum will be addressed by Rabbi Osher Farkash – Head mashpia of Yeshiva Gedola, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rabbi Eliezer Shemtov – Head shliach to Uruguay, and Rabbi David Stoler – Shliach in Buenos Aires, Argentina and founder of Sijot en Español (Sichos in Spanish).
“We take this opportunity to thank those involved in making this project such a continued success, Rabbi David Stoler and Rabbi Eliyahu Schvartzman,” organizers said. “And last but not least our generous anonymous donor, may he be merit to all the brochos for him and his family, b’eashmius u’beruchnius. We hope that this will give the Rebbe a lot of Nachas and be the last step in Galus and the first step in the Geulah.”
Click here to join a WhatsApp group in Spanish. If you have a Spanish-speaking friend, make sure to share with him the light by forwarding him the link!