The next 24 -48 hours are critical so please storm the heavens to send him a complete Refuah Shleima!
Please say Tehillim for Mr. Heshy Zellermaier
Please say tehillim for Mr. Heshy Zellermaier - Dovid Tzvi ben Chana Brocha for an easy and speedy recovery. Full Story
Please say tehillim for Mr. Heshy Zellermaier - Dovid Tzvi ben Chana Brocha for an easy and speedy recovery. Full Story
Heshy שיח’י
Hashem should bentch you with a long healthy and happy life with Arichus Yomim V’Shonim Toivos!
You are a very special yid!
Refuah Shelaimah to Dovid Tzvi Ben Chana Brocha
Heshy has a heart of gold and does not stop helping others. Refuah Shelaima!!