Monday, 5 Tishri, 5785
  |  October 7, 2024

Picture of the Night

30 bochurim from New Square were seen tonight in 770, as Skverer Chassidim mark "Nittul," tonight and therefore don't learn. They used the free time to take a trip to Crown Heights. "We heard so much about 770," said one visitor, "I'm glad we finally had a chance to see it for ourselves." Photos

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Squsretown Guests
January 7, 2009 10:18 am

The Skwere boys were overheard discussing why does the Rebbe need a pluged in mike, and they were looking if there are tissues prepared, and questioning whether the red chair is soft enough.
Why do we have to provide entertainment ?

Nittel in January
January 7, 2009 12:59 am

The Skverer do nittel in Januaty as per the way it was done in Russia due to the fact that in Russia & surrounding countries go acoording to the Gregorian calander which makes Yom HaMamzer Jan. 7
FYI,Both the Freidiker Rebbe & the Rebbe as well as the other 5 rebbeim did nitel in January as well back in Russia.
The minhag changed when the F.R. came to America.
Another interesting thing the Rebbe said one does nittel according to the way the majority of the Goyim in that country hold Yom HaMamzer.

January 7, 2009 12:31 am

according to greek orthodox christianity, they celebrate nittul nite on the 7th. Roman orthodox on dec 25.

nitu nacht??
January 6, 2009 7:52 pm

why do they celebrate nitul nacht then??

I don't think you should be writing about this...
January 6, 2009 6:49 pm

as if it is some achievement for Chassidus Chabad. Chabad Chassidus used to attract all of the greats from the whole torah world. Now that we have become a bunch of am haarotzim, we are no more than a novelty for some kids from skver to come see on nitul.

If nitul was during the day they certainly would have prefered the zoo!

January 6, 2009 4:21 pm

So for them 770 is where to go on nittul nacht… hmmm that makes 770 to them like a chess game for a lubav….

nice to see this achdus
January 6, 2009 2:24 pm

It’s Mashiach’s time…..

nitul - tonite?
January 6, 2009 2:02 pm

what is that about? never heard of this?

January 6, 2009 12:41 pm

the skverrers are a different breed of chassidim

they are not just insular

they are extremely intense

a word of caution i was there for shabbos not something to be taken lightly at all

the rebbe reminded me of a warm very european zaidy from back in 1983 not a major major world leader like rabbi schneersohn but definitely the real thing very authentic breed of poeple that u can find maybe on 2 hands in this world

soooooo nice to see
January 6, 2009 10:53 am

welcome skverers – love to see you in 770.