By COLlive reporter
A new law firm has taken on the case of imprisoned former kosher meat executive Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin and his long fought battle for justice.
James R. Wyrsch and J.R. Hobbs of Wyrsch Hobbs & Mirakian, PC, a prestigious firm based in Kansas City, Missouri, which handles complex civil and criminal litigation, will be representing him.
On their agenda is filing a post-conviction motion, known as a Section 2255, which is a habeas corpus petition in which one argues any constitutional rights that were denied.
In September 2011, the U.S. appeals court denied an appeal by Rubashkin who was sentenced to a draconian 27 years behind bars on bank fraud charges. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal from that ruling on October 1, 2012.
But his case has received widespread support from hundreds of former Department of Justice officials, federal judges, law professors, Congressmen, and Senators, as well as tens of thousands of citizens across the country.
In a public letter sent Friday, his family said Section 2255 was “one last legal mechanism that can free our beloved father and reunite our family.”
His steadfast wife, Leah Rubashkin, said: “I am hopeful that the funds can be pulled together to retain this incredible power team as soon as possible, especially considering the quickly approaching deadline.”
She added, in a statement to, that Friday was her husband’s 1336th day in prison.
Both Wyrsch and Hobbs have successfully litigated numerous post-conviction cases in the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, including Section 2255 motions.
They will be joined by Professor Douglas Berman who is a nationally recognized authority on criminal law and sentencing.
“2255 actions are not only the only way, but often the very best way, to unearth and document flaws in the prosecution and sentencing of a defendant in a high-profile case,” explained Professor Berman.
“The best lawyers have a terrific track record of getting death sentences reversed through habeas appeals and Mr. Rubashkin is serving a functional death sentence.”
But the clock is ticking for Sholom Rubashkin as the mandatory filing deadline for the Section 2255 is October 1, 2013.
To support his legal expenses, visit
I had problems with the web site to give $. is there a phone number to call to give?
It looks looks like Hashem is giving a chance, so let’s utilize it.If we Daven hard, say extra Tehillim and have Achdus, he will surely be redeemed in a blink of an eye.
Moshiach Now!!!
They just released so many r____and murderers in NY I read.And this person who committed no acts of violence has to stay in jail?No way.This is what is warped.
This is the United States of America. Winning hearts and minds of people will have no effect. The justice system has checks and balances. Unfortunately, Rubashkin fell thru the cracks. Hire someone to put a pardon thru the executive branch.
Dear number 11 and to all those that would like to help out and donate to help a true erlicher yid. Here are a few ways you can donate – even if it is something as low as $18 or whatever you can help with. Every penny counts to help another yid. To make a donation you can: 1) Go to ( 2) Email your pledge to [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) with a phone number to call you back 3) Call or text 615-378-7461 (tel:615-378-7461) and someone from will call you back BEH to receive the credit card info 4) Mail… Read more »
To whom it may concern,
Submit a petition on
Greetings and Blessings.
May the President of the United States of America be a vessel for the Blessing of The Almighty in pardoning Reb Sholom Mordechai the son of Rivkah Rubashkin and showing recognition of his well-known commitment to benevolence and kindness.
Blessings and Success.
Brochoh veHatzlochoh.
Trouble with the corrupt American Criminal Justice System is that one cannot get justice, except by paying for it.
I’ve heard a movie is being made…it this true?
Many Americans believe S.M. Rubashkin in a ‘no-goodnick’ a criminal, etc. because they trust the criminal justice system, wrongfully.
If we capture the hearts and minds of many Americans perhaps this would be a powerful tool?
Do it monthly, weekly, daily till the October Deadline. Let us celebrate Simchas Beis Hashoeva this year all of us with Rubashkin.
Amennn Hashem please help and take this man who Is severely suffering in this crazy jail and his fam put together reunited!!! Amen!! We need everyone’s tefillah!!!
May we hear good news!!
Moshiach Now!!!
I didn’t give much ,but I clicked and gave what I could.If we ALL do the same it will add up.We do our part down here and The Rebbe will do his part and with Hashems help ,DIDAN NOTACH!!!
Just donated. Everyone do the same! Good Shabbos
we have 2 keep davening and learning!
where can i donate towards his defense!
Please make the platform that is accepting payment simpler to use. I tried to input my cc information 3 times, if I didn’t have pay pal I wouldn’t have been able to donate.
We need to see u back home sm!!!! Like the good old postville days
that the real power is the aibershter,in g-d we trust
Can’t wait til he gets out! Bikarov mamosh!!!
I’m going to give as much as I could. Its about time sach a fine man is with his Family agein.
Lets all join in this last effort that will surely be matzliach iy”h!!
Be’ezras Hashem!!
this is amazing!!
Baruch Hashem!!
Iy”h it will work out,
and very soon Sholom Mordechai will be reunited with his family for good!!
Great news. You lifted my spirits before Shabbos. Maybe everyone’s Tehillin is paying off after all