Dear friends and family,
As you know, the chinuch of a child is an enormous and essential undertaking that has effects that reverberate years down the line and shapes their entire lives. Which is why it’s vital that it be done with patience, care, and passion.
Those three pillars are easily recognizable in the four schools that came together in a moving display of achdus and selflessness to raise the funds they need to continue to operate.
We wanted to put out this letter to say that we wholeheartedly support this campaign to shape the future and encourage you to give so that all of the beautiful children of the community may grow.
Although we may travel on different roads, our destination is the same.
Let us show the world the true meaning of unity, and help Bnos Chomesh Academy, Ateres Bais Chaya Mushka, The Gan Academy, and Chabad Girls Academy, reach their goal and empower a generation.
Thank you,
The Board of Directors of Oholei Torah
The most important thing is achdus! This is so nice to see
A true Class Act