Currently underway, the New York City Police Department, in collaboration with the Sanitation Department, has launched a targeted operation to combat the problem of illegally parked cars in Brooklyn.
The crackdown, which is taking place tonight, involves a parade of tow trucks patrolling the streets to identify and remove vehicles in violation of parking regulations.
The aim is to alleviate the parking struggles faced by residents in Brooklyn, where the abundance of illegally parked cars has become a significant problem to finding suitable parking spaces.
They recently notified that they will be towing any vehicles illegally parked between 9 PM and 5 AM.
They couldn’t care less about helping the parking situation. There’s just a bunch of mafia Chop shops that have contracts with sanitation and are making good money on the ransom fees that people have to pay to get their cars unstolen. I heard my car got towed by sanitation so I thought the place where I need to go to get it back is some department of sanitation location or something. Turns out that it was actually this random auto shop in red hook run by a guy in a makeshift school bus “office” ranting to me with profanities every… Read more »
So, your car was towed for no reason, or was that part conveniently left out?
What about all the abandoned vehicles with no plates, and the abandoned vehicles with counterfeit ‘paper’ plates. Which never moves and street can’t be clean near Schenectady Ave, Utica Ave & Rochester Ave.
Those abandoned vehicles in the 2 blocks near Lincoln Terrace Park area need to be towed away.
It makes the street dirty, sanitation trucks can’t clean during ASP.
Unfortunately that’s not who they are after.
100% they r targeting people with $ to get fines
Crown Street between Utica Avenue and Schenectady Avenue has about half a dozen derelict abandoned and unregistered vehicles parked in the same spot since 2020 near the building.
Locals on our block can never find any parking for our legal vehicles because of this.
It also causes trash pile ups and leaves beneath the vehicles, causing the street to be dirty.
Can you list the specific parking offenses you’ve seen?
Near CH by Flatbush Ave between Empire & Eastern Parkway.
There are more abandoned illegal trailers, vans and trucks. Than legal vehicles.
If those illegal vehicles get towed. The entire West Crown Heights will have enough legal parking.
Between 781 Clarkson Ave and 681 Clarkson Ave. Brooklyn NY 11203.
There’s around 15 fully abandoned large trucks & commercial trailers. Taking away parking. Causing street not to get cleaned.
As well many other abandoned cars all over East Flatbush and Remsen Village near CH.
All the pics show private cars, not commercial. How does this help? Better they should tow away the city bike racks if they want to help the parking situation
Thanks for always keeping us informed!
On Crown St near Schenectady, there is many abandoned automobile’s with expired Vermont State license plates.
This is part of a scam where they can leave the automobile’s which are Not registered, not insured. Abandoned on the city street without getting ticketed or towed ever.
It’s been like this for years.
Fenimore Street between Brooklyn & New York Aves has to many broken down abandoned cars, trucks and a ankered bus.
Are they aware that the lack of parking spots is because of the city bikes ? We were promised they would remove some of them! Here we are circling in the bitter cold because if the over saturation of bikes
Let’s be real. Most of the illegal no plate cars or paper plate cars, or unregistered cars, or covered cars or broken down cars (many which are used in crimes) in this neighborhood. Are from program ex cons parked outside all their violent drug crime buildings. The 71st Precinct knows exactly which buildings these are, they respond there every other night for domestic assaults and other felonies (and once in a while for a shooting or stabbing) by these buildings. Those vehicles should be 1st priority that 71st Pct should get towed. Some are stolen vehicles as well and have… Read more »
In front and near 712 Crown Street.
There are Cars, Vans, Pickup Trucks, Trucks and more illegal vehicles.
Someone should notify the 71 precinct to tow those.
I guess towing away the cars in the most civilized, law abiding neighborhood for miles around is more comfortable than walking or driving on the beat to protect the public. Pity our tax money doesn’t go to pay the salaries of our local volunteers. I see the volunteer cars everywhere- good for you!
How is towing illegally parked cars a solution???
At around 9:15 several NYPD cars came speeding up Troy Avenue. 2 or 3 turned onto Montgomery Street and 2-3 cars and 2 ambulances blocked Crown Street because of something that happened at 555 Crown Street.
No information given by the police but traffic was tied up for over half an hour.
The whole thing is a BIG HUGE SCAM. And it’s a nice set up. How does the police department tow your car, and then send it elsewhere, where you find out where your car is @? And then when you’re ready to pick up your vehicle “you the owner” get threats when you want to pick up your car. BIG SCAM. Unfortunately it happens in every Big City in the United States. There has to be a stop to this. There are places outside New York City/New York State, where scammers steels cars and police departments finds in different locations,… Read more »
The reason they don’t go after illegal cars is because there’s no money there. No one is coming to claim their car and pay big $$, it’s quite simple. I believe when a car is in impound it’s less than $400. Certainly smells like mafia.
How about the nypd stops crime instead of worrying about the parking
Help me understand this insanity.
Instead of NYPD & DSNY towing illegal cars (illegal ie no plates, no registration, not insured, fake paper plates)
They instead towed Legal cars (with valid registration, insurance, plates) that were illegally parked for 10 minutes outside.
They were illegally parked, because the Legal parking spots are taken up by abandoned illegal cars.
It’s a money-thirsty government with too much power.
It’s not much different than the cartels in Mexico.
another reason to leave the city once and for all
They think we are are total morons not to see what they’re doing first they take away, literally blocks of parking spots between the citi bikes the extended sidewalks on the corners various spots where you can’t park for stupid reasons they create the traffic jams by taking away lanes and making stupid, right hand, turning lights and lowering the speed limit. This is all designed to give more and more tickets and make more and more money and this towing business It’s not to alleviate the parking situation it’s to make more money Because tickets now don’t seem to… Read more »
Thank you to our dear mayor for fixing the parking issue by towing cars parked in front of pumps and in other illegal spots! These people are taking up valuable spots from others, that are circling Crown heights all night!!
two illegal vans on utica sterling place people selling and sleeping stuff sleeping, the place is nasty with the vans being there for months. please get rid of it. not looking nice in the neighborhood. no license plates
they are cooking on the block and have the area filled with bums and crackheads. please help get rid of it they are robbing the city not paying insurance or nothing just taking over the sidewalk.