In honor of Chai Elul, Niggun Society is proud to present its version of Shalosh Tenuos melody composed over three generations by the Baal Shem Tov, Mezritcher Maggid, and the Alter Rebbe.
Following the release of Niggun Rostov and an extended hiatus, Niggun Society is back at work on the Seder Niggunim project. Releasing newly recorded versions of one niggun from each Rebbe.
In addition to the song, another track was released without vocals, and just instrumentals for relaxation.
Chabad Chassidim sit down four times a year to sing all these niggunim.
1: At the end of Rosh Hashana
2: At the end of Simchas Torah
3: At the end of Moshaich’s Seuda on Acharon Shel Pesach
4: At the end of Shavos
“I couldn’t always remember how the niggunim started, and wanted to create a better resource,” said Shlomie Rabin, Chazzan, talent agent, and founder of The Niggun Society.
Coming to streaming and 24/6 app in the coming days
Streaming link:
Instrumental Only – Track Links
Full Track List:
1: Shalosh Tenuos – Released Sep, 2023
Baal Shem Tov, Mezritcher Maggid & Alter Rebbe
Co Sponsored by: Shlomo Goldner – Goldner Family Foundation
2: Keli Atoh
Alter Rebbe – Baal Hatanya
3: Kapelyah
Mitteler Rebbe – Rabbi Dovber
4: Yemin Hashem
Tzemach Tzedek – Rabbi Menachem Mendel
5: L’chatchila Ariber
Rebbe Maharash – Rabbi Shmuel
6: Niggun Hachono
Rebbe Rashab – Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber
7: Beinoni
Fri’ediker Rebbe
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok
8: Hu Elokeinu
The Rebbe – Rabbi Menachem Mendel
9: Hakofos Niggun
Reb Levik’s Niggun – The Rebbe’s Father
10: Niggun Rostov – Single Bonus Track (Released in 2016)
Rebbe Rashab – Rabbi Sholom Dov Ber
Sponsored by: Dr. Souren & Iksaa Manzouri – Dallas, TX
To Learn more and to sponsor a track
Shlomie is the best!
Thank you soooooooo very much for daily treasure trove of precious resources! May i suggest that we add a 5th time for the singing of these nigunim, at the arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu, May it be NOW B’RACHAMIM!!!!
Chabad talent. Very beautiful