Chabad & Friends is a weekly program aired on community news service exploring facts, stories and anecdotes of the Rebbe and the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s connection and communications with the frum Jewish world.
The program is presented by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a Chabad historian, an ethnographer of Chassidism and Director of the Jewish Enrichment Press publishing group. He is the prolific author of 60 books – most recently The Rav and Rebbe, Satmar and Lubavitch, Lakewood and Lubavitch, Rabbi Hutner and Rebbe.
He is currently working on the connection between Lubavitch and Torah Vodaath, the illustrious Yeshiva in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn that has raised generations of Torah observant Jews for close to 100 years.
Rabbi Dalfin is a featured speaker in many Chabad centers and Jewish communities about Chassidic teachings and life. He is also the recording artist of Chasidic Nigunim: Learn, Understand and Sing.
“We are proud to air this new program adding to our expanded line-up of video classes and programs presented by respected rabbonim and mashpiim,” said Mica Soffer, Publisher and Editor of
Chabad & Friends will be aired on Tuesday evenings on
VIDEO: Episode 1 – Giving Praise
Rabbi Dalfin can be reached at [email protected] or
Please see below:
Thanks for sharing your knowledge and interesting history with us.
A living encyclopedia-thank you Rabbi Dalfin.
You are a fountain of wonderful history. The Zohar for Parshas bamidbar states that when you praise a Yid, you should give them a bracha right away. The books are opened at the time you praise them and your bracha helps that only positive things should happen to them.
Rabbi Dalfin, may the Eibishter bless you with gezunt till 120.
Thanks for the fascinating and interesting program!
Thanks for the fascinating and interesting program
Wow. Its really nice Vid. Looking forward for more. I know a little bit of the famos Rabbi mendelovitz from my grandfather who was very vlose to him. Intresting to hear more
Rabbe Dalfin
Speaks Very intellectually and focused but it’s permeated with a חסידשע wormath that captivates the heart
way to go collive… this is amazing original content
no wonder you are the #1 website for our whole family
Hatzlach rabba!
I truly enjoyed the program and look forward to listening to future programs.
Thank you rabbi Dalfin for telling a story about my great uncle R’ Shmuel Kusilevitz
I hope this series continues weekly!