By anonymous
Talking heads say that psychedelics are medicinal and not addictive, yet my son became poisoned and addicted. How? The secret aura of a new frontier of self-improvement through ancient traditions and plants enticed him. Micro dosing, self-medication, plant-based, consciousness expansion, ego dissolution, transcendence, and spiritual awakening—all buzzwords associated with psychedelics—intrigued, validated, and “health-washed” his entry into the world of potent, often addicting, and debilitating illicit drugs.
The media, search engines, and a vast array of personalities, some of whom are Jewish and even licensed professionals and rabbis, and many current and aspiring service providers who already reap or smell economic benefit, all further the illusion that psychedelics are generally without negative consequences and rather, offer huge existential upside for most users.
Users of psychedelic drugs use euphemisms to wash away the stigmatized language that normally describes a drug user. They don’t “do drugs,” but rather, they explore consciousness, expand their minds, take inner journeys, and engage in personal work or consciousness hacking.
My son was very open with me at the beginning of his journey. He insisted that psychedelics were medicinal, untapped, and revolutionary healing agents and seemed to have amassed a lot of scientific knowledge about them.
One Motzei Shabbes, my son reported that he was going to a Crown Heights melave malke. Yossi was supplying the “medicine”. A south-of-the-border shaman was flown in to officiate and lead the ceremonies. I asked who was attending, and my son replied: “Ta, that’s where I draw the line in sharing with you, but I can tell you that there will be rabbis, known therapists, couples, and a good few prominent people as well”.
This scene was anathema to me, but I certainly recognized the high cool factor and magnetic allure of the evening. Avant-garde, cutting edge, semi-secret, and with the tacit approval of a group of seeming intelligentsia comprised of participating rabbis, therapists, and prominent people.
I’ve since learned the real deal about these drugs as I’ve witnessed my clever, talented, and accomplished son go downhill.
Intermittently high, arrested, psychotic, and homeless are his current descriptors. Hatzalah guys, emergency room doctors, psych ward psychiatrists, former addicts, and those involved with rehab have rounded out my education about the prevalent dark side of these “healthy” drugs.
My son’s recovery after his first serious psychotic crash included a one-month stint in a psychiatric hospital and six months of convalescing at home. He weaned himself off the prescribed anti-psychotics and looked like he was back on track, but the allure of yet another Jewish-targeted Ayahuasca retreat cast a spell on him and drew him to South America, his third time there, this time to indulge in a six-week jaunt of consciousness expansion.
Soon after my son’s return from his mind-blowing experience, he flipped into a long-term drug-induced psychosis and state of homelessness, running away from family and friends, got arrested, and is on a horrid trajectory. I daven that he experiences a real awakening, accepts a helping hand, and recovers. I don’t know if his brain is fried or if al pi teva he still has the capability of recovery.
The user or promoter of psychedelics who dwells in the anecdotal will likely dismiss this article and indulge in a self-congratulatory story about their positive life-changing experiences witnessing or using them whilst employing cognitive dissonance in accepting my essential message and either ignoring with intent or simply not comprehending all the human zombies and carcasses littering the psychedelic highway. These psychedelic-use cheerleaders likely don’t have any malintent and simply exemplify multiple memes of a toxic modern culture that include notions of gratuitous self-promotion, that grooming others is redemptive, and that taking pills leads to instant cures, happiness, and health.
These pernicious mindsets trade away the virtues of self-sacrifice, hard work, and reliance on the Aibishter, all for the fool’s gold of a seemingly magical substance that in more cases than not, fails to deliver sustainable benefits and is dangerous. Compare that pharmacological experience with a healthy one, like lifting weights and walking or running long distances. Work hard and stimulate your muscles, and the most wondrous of pharmacies, your brain, will pump out an incredible array of feel-good G-d-given drugs to enhance your life rather than possibly destroy it.
The cheerleaders of these drug-induced experiences are full of happy talk. They influence others and fill the airwaves. They are promoters, dissemblers, and apologists for harmful drugs and the avoda zoras of their shaman facilitators.
The Call of the Shofar retreat a decade ago was a relatively inconsequential soft foray into psychology and yet it got communally stamped out in a fireman’s minute, yet the scourge of psychedelics and actual avoda zora, rages on like wildfire with no communal alarm. Today I declare that a fire rages in our midst.
I urge all those in the know to publicize the dark side of psychedelics. I call out to the promoters of these drugs that they risk being publicly exposed for grooming their brothers into destructive behavior. I urge all users of these drugs to take a step back and seek alternative routes to a positive outlook in life. In conclusion, I call on everyone to do something positive for their fellow, promoting Yiddish values of hard work and full reliance on the One Above instead of the opposite.
If anyone wants to reach out, text at 718-540-8307.
Thank you for sharing this!!
But how many people will listen?
please don’t let him use these even one more time
BezH the message will be heard. Though it does sometimes feel like an uphill battle. We have to give this to Hashem and do things al pi teva to help make a difference. There are those who light Shabbos candles early lman their children’s yeshuas. Even a minute early can be meaningful. Herbal medicine is still medicine. It needs a personal prescription by someone properly credentialed and ethical. We certainly feel so strongly for Yossi and all the Yossis and their families. I also want to know how this group of seemingly Jewish influencers can be stopped. It is so… Read more »
This passuk in the Torah tells us to guard ourselves against anything that can cause us harm. If a person exercises, eats a healthy diet, and gets enough sleep they should feel fine. Perhaps some alcohol on shabbos or yom tov, but even that in moderation. I highly doubt any תלמידי חכמים ever became as great as they were by “expanding their minds” with drugs. The Torah itself can lead a person to Ruach Hakodesh, even prophecy. Any high these drugs produce is from the סטרא אחרא and not from קדושה.
“Perhaps some alcohol on shabbos or Yom tov..”
So you are pro substances..
There’s a difference you know that
Interesting the gemara says it’s a mitzvah to make kiddush on wine…
Which has alcohol. Even a shot of liquor here and there is fine. Big difference between that and hallucinating on LSD or magic mushrooms.
The level of drug use among the youth, including young married couples is horrific. This includes girls. There is Peer pressure to “just try “ smoking a joint, which leads to more serious use and experimentation. Think of the snake and then Chava in the story of the eitz hadaas.
May Hashem watch over and protect all his children.
Stay asleep boomer
So i take it the nice plantage medicine hasn’t cured you of your disdain for others?
it’s poison
Completely inappropriate comment.
And I’m happily in therapy 😊
This was so eloquent and beautifully expressed. I wholeheartedly agree with every word.
This is absolute garbage. Plant medicine is incredibly healing to so many people, and saying otherwise is a slap in the face to the MEDICINE Hashem gave us. The author risks preventing people from seeking out actual HEALING MODALITIES that might SAVE THEM chas veshalom.
its healing if by that u mean “psychosis inducing.” cocaine is also plant-based, and arsenic is a naturally occurring element. is that also medicine that Hashem gave us, according to you? Is calling saddam hussein evil a slap in the face to Hashem, since Hashem created him?
What do RABBONIM and people with DAAS TORAH say about the issue? That is what’s important.
“Plant medicine” and “plant based” are not the same.
“Plant medicine” does not refer to any substance derived from nature; it refers to very specific plants that have a long history of being used in a healing capacity. So no, not arsenic.
Also, it would be wise for everyone to do their own in-depth research, instead of making assumptions based on bits and pieces they’ve overheard from others.
Don’t ingest any drug that isn’t scientifically tested and approved.
Why do we have to be pseudo scientists in this community?
There are hundreds of journal articles proving the efficacy of LSD, psilocybin, MDMA, and ketamine.
You can claim That it causes harm in some cases, but there are a lot of peer-reviewed research papers which show that phsycadelics can cure PTSD .
That is the truth, Ayahuasca Cured my CPTSD. No jokes, I’ve had night terrors, nightmares, horror in my sleep for 15 years. After doing a Medicine journey, of which my uncle who is a major rabbi in the community took me to a ceremony and told me it will save my life. The good news is, it did! Besides for me, noticing and feeling and walking my life with Hashem. As before my experience, I was always struggling with my connection with Hashem. I can underStand and hear this individuals story But to me, it seems like his son was… Read more »
or if it made you worse and you don’t even realize it
“it would be wise for everyone to do their own in-depth research” if that would be the motto on every product society would be in bad shape. there are people with proper credentials and a long track record to be relied upon so that we don’t drown in “research”. People pushing “alternative” often bemoan that the FDA, USDA, Etc. are against them blaming “big pharma” or some other conspiracy rather than noticing that their product doesn’t meet the necessary standards. Imagine if Kashrus worked this way where everyone would do “their own In-Depth research” that’s all. (while it is possible… Read more »
Are you seriously advocating for people to *not* do research?
Daas Torah!? DT is not expertise in this! This man’s son is going thru hell! Wouldn’t he be a gr8 proof that it can be a disaster!? This is not a halachik ruling, this is a common sense thing AL in the schuna
Cocaine actually has medicinal uses which are permitted by law
Loads of things in God’s world have both a positive and negative side, like the internet. Certainly, based on his experiences, the author swings to a particular side.
But how balanced has the messaging been from the public (presumed well meaning) promoters?
Not very.
The issue is when so-called ‘healing modalities’ are intertwined with religious rituals. Yidden can’t trust those as far as I’m concerned. If it’s a true ‘healing modality’ that isn’t sourced in anything that contradicts Torah, then maybe it’s worth looking into. This clearly wasn’t the case here.
Why do you need a shamin? Therapy and talking can open you mind up more that a poison
Therapy takes YEARS! This moves you in a few hrs, it can do what 10 years does in a day! AL in the schuna
I agree that plant medicine in line with therapy can be healing for the right individual. The problem I am seeing is the mass marketing and commercialization of a drug that is problematic. Going in retreats to get that communal high. Addicts are replacing one addiction for another. I know many frum men who go monthly “fixes” being charged thousands for a shabbos retreat.
If it is medicine, treat it as such. Respect its potency, it is not for vacation or fun.
He’s describing his son’s experience, and many others whom are not going public, what’s wrong with you!? If it worked for you gr8, but this is a reality! A.L in the schuna
I respond to you as a Chasid and a medical physician for well over 20 years.. With all due respect you are completely wrong on a number of counts: Yes, plant medicine indeed, CAN be incredibly healing, but medical substances need to be administered a) under the supervision of a licensed medical practitioner, and b) they need to be administered according to the appropriate medical indications. Used inappropriately, the סם החיים can turn into סם המוות. Yes, Hashem gave us medicine, and the Ba’al Haturim specifically tells us that the medicine Hashem gives us is gentle and without side-effect, in… Read more »
Pained by your pain and wish your son good healing. Plant medicine should be viewed similar to all medicine. When I take Tylenol or a pain killer to relieve my back I’m not expected to make a scene about it and create a whole cult around it. If someone is struggling – it seems based on recent scientific development (John hopkins, Dr Mathew Johnson etc) that plant medicine can be useful , however that doesn’t mean it should be promoted as some religious public activity. Taking Medicine was always a personal, private, and discrete act. Same should be with one… Read more »
I am so sorry your son is in such a bad state, I am even more sorry for you & the pain you are feeling & going through. As a father myself I have learned the immense pain we feel when we can not press a button & make it better, especially when tbwy are in a state & can not accept tje help we can provide.I truly hope your son has a Refuah Shlaima.
A Fathwr who feels your pain
Wishing you the best of luck.
Thank you for sharing your story as a warning for the rest of us.
We need to warn and teach our kids about the dangers of addiction in all it’s disguises…
There are two vital things which may have been left out: 1) Psychedelics have what is known as the “expectancy effect.” This means that if you expect to have a great trip, you will. If you are worried or think it won’t be good, there could be life-altering consequences. (My professor in college told us a story about how one guy was so strung out on his bad trip that he cut off his own arm in a state of extreme fear and pain). 2) I strongly, STRONGLY suspect that the Psychedlics your son took were laced/cut with something else.… Read more »
Even if the drugs were laced with something else that shows the problem. There’s no way for these kids to know if drugs are laced or not before. Why take the risk? Especially with all the deaths from fentanyl across the country, who knows what could be in a seemingly “healthy” drug.
It seems like he was vastly unprepared for these experiences with the medicine and also didn’t do follow-up integration work.
While this is very sad, it doesn’t mean that ayahuasca is bad and should never be used. It only means proceed with caution.
can’t believe fools are still commenting this BS even after reading the article about yossi
As someone who has drank as well as coached people post ceremonies, I think what you are saying is most important. Integration work is key, key, key and may be the difference between one ruining or healing their life. That said, there is a large uptick of what I call “ceremony hopping,” where people are just running from one experience to the next without making it intentional as a healing tool.
It’s illegal for a reason
Alcohol is legal and it is literal poison. People die from alcoholism and from drunk driving. Legality does not equal safety.
Thank you for raising this. Time and again this website raises the alarm on real threats to our children and community.
Lets hope this plague joins the rest (COTS etc) as a thing of the past. Thanks to Collive
Its not the messiah, stop pretending that it is. they have a very biased perspective;
It’s not news and it never was about that, its about serving a select and closed minded community with their biased articles.
May Hashem heal your son now. Anyone promoting this insane stuff is callous and reckless. It is criminal to do so. If any medicine had a 0.5% death rate, people would face unbelieve consequences if they ever promoted it. In this case, it’s worse, yet people won’t speak out against “the latest fad,” no matter how harmful, sick and deadly it can be. Thank you for publishing this response.
Unfortunately many medicines and shots with known death rates and are still sold.
The minute a baby is born they’re injected with vitamin k that has a black box death warning.
These companies only care about money, they don’t care about human lives. The same people selling psychedelics are the ones convincing children to change their bodies so they can make money.
it’s about sitra achra trying to destroy souls
Theres no fire in Lubavitch, there’s a pain in your heart.
lubavitch is fine! no problems there! no drugs, no problems with tznius, no issues with internet etc…everything is fine!
You’re definitely high on something
Then count your blessings. For life is about ups and downs and when that happens dont tell anyone to take a chill pill. For only when it happens to a individual, then he wakes up and understands what this father is going through. It’s not a “just chill out” situation what’s so ever.
Cuz an adult should never b so callous
I am very sorry for what your son and your family are going through, I hope he has full recovery. Psychedelics have risks and some might try to ignore them. While I do believe in the benefits of psychodelics and have experienced some myself, they are not substances that should be taken often. The experience and impact is intense and it should at most be an occasional limited dose. There are also different stages in life where people can be at hire or lower risk. I noticed you mentioned pills, if someone is taking pills it seems like they are… Read more »
It seems that in our current galus, there’s BH a an urge for spirituality.
Unfortunately, many are seeking out shortcuts there
You wrote: “The user or promoter of psychedelics who dwells in the anecdotal will likely dismiss this article and indulge in a self-congratulatory story about their positive life-changing experiences witnessing or using them whilst employing cognitive dissonance in accepting my essential message and either ignoring with intent or simply not comprehending all the human zombies and carcasses littering the psychedelic highway.” It’s strange that you would choose to brand your potential detractors as “dwelling in the anecdotal” when your entire argument is anecdotal. Are you aware of that? Don’t get me wrong. I have no problem with you telling your… Read more »
What a masterpiece. I hope more people learn that the ways of the goyim were never meant for us and even more so, we want God and God alone.
Disappointing to see the makeshift sophistry of some of the commentators. The author says it all when he says that Hatzolah and emergency room workers all will tell you real life stories (really story after story) of how destructive these substances can be. Until five years ago, for the past 100-150 years, these substances were illegal and banned. I’m not for the prison system, but to defend this as proper medicine is offensive. If someone would say the same thing about cocaine, most people would realize how insane that is. These have different names and are made to sound exotic,… Read more »
These substances weren’t illegal for the past 100-150 years, what are you saying
This is a serious concern. I’m hearing more and more podcasts of prominent leaders promoting psychedelic’s. There is minimal or no disclaimer or clear warnings about the ill effects. It is very upsetting to me that listeners are not given fair warning about the dangers of psychedelics. They are being promoted without mention of prerequisites to a successful trip. There is a lot of inner work and healing that needs to be done before taking psychedelics. Even with the inner work and healing there are risks of triggering mental health conditions that might have stayed dormant without the use of… Read more »
“The Call of the Shofar retreat a decade ago was a relatively inconsequential soft foray into psychology and yet it got communally stamped out in a fireman’s minute” – Where is the leadership-??
The relative morality in CH is terrifying. It is hard to find clear standards anymore even when you search for it. If we want to succeed as a community we need to make it possible for our young people to hold on to something real, and that is getting harder for them each day.
It’s being done on purpose. And when confronted that ” is this going to bring moshiach?! Is this what your preaching while practicing the opposite?!” We adults are faced with you are not chabad! So how are children suppose to know the difference between right and wrong when adults have their belief of I say one thing but do the opposite. Mental health didnt “show up, all of a sudden from no where”. Adults have to stop confusing their minds and the children minds only to respond for those who still know the difference and are holding strong, that we… Read more »
so sorry to hear about your son. Tell him about hppd and do not allow him to use those anymore!
if he had so many bad experiences already? He really needs to stop immediately. Can you bring him home to live with you?
The kid ran away from home. He’s psycho – literally can’t think straight. He cut himself off from friends and family…
to bring him home and he can live at home
if he’s 18, he has to do so on his own accord
which rabbis and jews are promoting these poisons? That’s absolutely unacceptable
>A south-of-the-border shaman was flown in to officiate and lead the ceremonies.
That’s the gigantic red flag. The psychedelics were just a significant part of the a”z, but the problem was the a”z itself.
Al pi teva I think it’s very possible for your son to get better with a lot of help from community and qualified doctors.
Thank you so much for sharing the truth behind this new fad.
People are risking their life with pschychadelics. It’s so dangerous and harmful.
I appreciate you sharing this with the public! lol hakavod!
has this happened to? How many actually used these poisons. Terrible
I’m sorry you have to go through this. Your story is not unique and I hope your family can see a way out of this. This must be very difficult for you. Unfortunately a story I’ve heard from many. Wishing you only Refuoh. Thank you for sharing this difficult experience. I could write chapters on this. I’ll make a couple of points. If anyone wants to discuss further they are welcome to reach out. Embarking on this path should not be done lightly. It should be arrived at with humility and respect. And with much preparation. The medicine journey is… Read more »
lives are and have been destroyed! DO NOT USE THESE EVER NO MATTER WHAT
do not ever do them. Do not ever tell people to do them. There are no exceptions.
You write with humility and respect. Thank you for sharing. Not sure I agree with you but that’s ok for now: I think it’s possible to say that these things should be severely limited
Like, surgery. Surgery can be life saving but generally we try to avoid. Or certain limitations and precautions. I wish you much happiness! And healing for all
Surgery is a great metaphor for this. It’s not something we’re necessarily running to do, and while it can be a big risk, we also understand that it can be tremendously healing, potentially to the point of saving lives.
B’michilas kovod R’ Avremi, there is a lot of lip service about those that are taking advantage: Unfortunately there are bad actors. Those that are not clean and take advantage of the vulnerable. Ceremonies…can be unsafe. This is unfortunate. And it’s a problem. Let us call out the bad actors. Avoid bad practices. Until this drug use is regulated and the unscrupulous people go to jail for destroying other people’s lives, it remains the same as the dime and nickel drug pushers and the fancy dealers for the rich that push cocaine. There’s an entire regulated medical & pharmaceutical industry… Read more »
Well said. You bring up very valid points. I think a big point of error in how things are done is that for some people with certain psychiatric conditions, they should never use certain mind altering plants. The triaging system is not good enough. I only know of one more local ayahuascero who takes a full history and vetting before giving someone to drink. I think the horror stories we are hearing are people who should never have drank to begin with, whether due to certain psych disorders, not enough support, not in a good place etc. Lots of inner… Read more »
Thank you for saying this so eloquently. I wholeheartedly agree. This medicine SAVED. MY. LIFE. And forever changed my family life for the better. We are all so much happier and healthier. I’ve been in therapy for literally years and never came to understand anything until I took the medicine. It connected my mind and body FINALLY and only now to I understand the Torah and hashem and so much more. I wish I was a good writer so I could explain myself better. I truly believe in this medicine. It’s moshiach times for sure. The right people will find… Read more »
I’m so sorry. Refuah shleima to your son. We can teach them from when they’re young but ultimately the decision is theirs. It is terrible and stressful when they make bad decisions out of immaturity and of course peer pressure. Shame on whoever promotes putting harmful addictive substances in one’s body.
may Hashem heal all jews’ brains who have ever used these, and revert their brains back to the way they were before they used them to make it as though they had never used them.
If you don’t name names, then you’ve done nothing here.
very true, but at least they left a phone number
What about all the crown heights social media influencers who are saying it’s ok?
They have half of crown heights following, they must be telling us the truth no?
Are you kidding?!
Why would you listen to an MD when you can load tiktok and just do whatever an influencer with tons of followers has to say?! Aren’t you an independent thinker that just follows whatever influencers do?
That’s the problem right there. The so-called “influencers” have more power than rabbobim, medical doctors, mental health specialists–people who have done intensive training and have credentials and certification. Nah, we don’t need any of that. We can get all the life advice we need from random people who have a bit of a flair for speaking and self promotion.
I think all rabbonim, mashpiim and professionals would get some training in social media use so at least they’d know how to counter some of the prevalent misinformation out there.
post a warning here to other jews to warn them not to use them
Why are they doing this to begin with
Why are they lacking healthy confidence
The list can be very long
Persecute the ill people in the community that are hurting people in every which way and form you can imagine and let’s raise healthy children like we were doing 20 years ago.
Chassidus learned the correct way will give you much more colour in life
Remember the age of the hippie and how many Ballei teshuva came from that era Numbers don’t lie
Thank you so much for this eloquent article. I have seen the growing acceptance of ayahuasca among “chilled” young people in our community, when used in the course of a “healing journey “. I know that MDMA has been successfully used in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Israel – in a careful, clinical setting. Conflating all types of psychedelics is a mistake. These young people seem to have a general low regard for professional expertise, and a preference for “natural”, Eastern, indigenous “knowing”. I see it as a continuum of redefining מותר ואסור in their observance… Read more »
sitra achra is intentionally triyng to destroy souls using these poisons
it is deliberate and planned
There’s very little regard for credentials in our circles and inevitably leads to this.
I think at least part of the permissiveness and allure of this “new derech” was started by the overuse of the undefined term “trauma”, often times by many of the big names out there.
Considering everyone’s perfectly normal difficulties in life are now “caused” by Trauma and micro-trauma, and considering “modern medicine” does not have “cures” for this newly minted ailment … it is very tempting for people to look for their solutions to real life in new treatments etc.
I think we need to stop overusing this now almost meaningless word
That makes SO much sense. Kids from healthy homes are told that if they were left to cry it out or ever put in time out CBS they’ve been damaged for life and therefore need these “ceremonies” to cure them from their “trauma”.
That’s like saying psychologists are for the mentally slow, which is what most said couple decades ago. Mental health awareness is growing. Sure there are weeds too, but don’t discount all the types of trauma being identified that help create the psychological pain that drives people to find something to numb the pain. Religion works for some. Alcohol worked for many and few find the depth to take the slow very hard route of self work
Chances are this individual either has never addressed his own trauma or, and possibly more likely, has inflicted trauma on others.
Bingo. We need to put a lid on this Trauma obsession. It has turned our people into helpless victims, but I guess the victim narrative is the only narrative that counts today. We are being lead by those who themselves need help. Its truly a pathetic situation. Take your life into your hands, people. Stop relying on drugs, pyschedelics and the trauma -victim narrative that is being pushed by our so called ‘leaders’. We have a wealth of inner strength resources; find them, use them, take back agency of your life, stop victimizing yourself and stop pointing fingers at others.… Read more »
many of us aren’t aware of the availability of hard core psychedelics. however, we have all seen the displays and full-page ads of the the Kosher CBD products. Psychologists and physicians have always labled pot as a “gateway drug”. And once you get hooked on the CBD stuff, it will often lead to taking the “real thing”. I suggest we first remove the CBD products. Why do rabbonim think this needs kosher certification? The whole idea is traif! In a community that is supposedly known as the epicenter of Chabad Chassidishe thought and action, it is very very sad that… Read more »
I am sorry for the situation of their son, wishing him healing.. Many drug users will seek ayahuasca as the next high, but it doesn’t mean it can’t heal normal people who are trying to get out of trauma and pain..both can be true as a lot of research showed.. many phisycians who took ayahuasca and saw great benefit..and mostly regular people who I personally know and trust more than just mainstream personalities… From what I read ( I can be wrong as we can’t assume a full story from an article) it seems like their son had trouble way… Read more »
Oy Hashem! A refuah shalimah bkarov mamash!
When I was in college in the 60s-70s, I remember how a very nice Jewish boy I’d see on campus took psychedelics, thought he could fly, jumped out a window, and died. After that, I was cured of any thoughts of experimenting with psychedelics. To open your mind, expect to toil in Torah and Chassidus for years — Hashem’s gift to us. Most importantly, I hurt for you, Tatty of this boy! May he have a refuah shlaima ASAP with Hashem’s guidance. Thank you for writing this important piece which will surely help others.
Do you know specifically if this boy had taken ayahuasca? Given the era, it’s very likely that he was taking LSD, which is a lab-made, synthetic psychoactive drug, and not a plant medicine.
The problem is the new age “Rabbis”
They have no backbone to tell you what’s right and wrong Al PI Torah, they aspire to be the “experts” when really they have no background in mental health behaviour. Some of them are big writers and have big Internet followers. BEWARE of them. Go to Rabbis for answers in Torah and guidance from the Rebbe. Go to a FRUM licensed Therapist for Mental help.
Ps. stay away from Life coaches too, like these Rabbis they have no medical background.
The right FRUM therapist who’s not looking for repeat visits to keep the $ coming, but helps you move FORWARD from the experience, without constantly taking you back to the little boy or girl in you, most certainly can help you. depends if the client wants help or actually loves the feeling of victimhood.
Can you provide a list of therapists that are in it for the right reasons and have the sensitivity and uprightness to actually help.
This would be very beneficial!!
if I can add to your comment about rabbis….
If they are rabbis, they should only be giving The Torahs opinion, not creating a new “Mental health Shulcha Oruch.”
If they hold the title of shluchei shel odom……of the Rebbe, they should only be giving the rebbes opinion, Only.
If they are independent charismatic influencers with beards and black hats they should be called out for it…
stop confusing our young generation with what’s Torah, or not..
Your heartfelt concern and the distressing experiences you’ve shared about your son’s journey through psychedelic use are deeply moving. It is important to acknowledge both the potential benefits and risks associated with psychedelic substances. Here are some nuanced facts about the healing potential and risks of plant medicine to consider: 1. Scientific Research and Therapeutic Potential: – Psychedelics in Therapy: Studies have shown that psychedelics like psilocybin and MDMA have significant therapeutic potential when used in controlled settings. For instance, psilocybin has been effective in treating depression, anxiety, and PTSD, particularly in patients resistant to conventional treatments . – FDA… Read more »
the poisonous substances. There are no exceptions. Period.
That is not a fact but rather your opinion. Yasher Koach.
I appreciate the need for a nuanced discussion. I think a key nuance in your response are the words “emerging research”. What these words tell me is this is a treatment that is 1. New 2. The benefits and risks are not fully understood. While it’s important to advocate for a nuanced discussion, advocating for a nuanced discussion when research is still catching up to the risks promotes a false sense of security and essentially makes the community a guinea pig. Additionally, advocating for controlled settings and community education implies this product is understood in certain contexts, which seems premature… Read more »
As a BT and some of my fellow BT friends, we find the whole plant medicine, new age stuff funny. We had that life, this is really not new. Just new to frum Jews. We left that life for authentic truth, but now it seems those grown in the system are seeking their own truth. When I became frum I gave up yoga, meditation etc, all things I was taught were avoda zara, even shown letters from the Rebbe when I challenged that notion. The movements in shmonei esrei are just as powerful whether words are said or not. Just… Read more »
at all
Peoples’ lives have been destroyed
That’s not funny
Predators were exposed . These people are also predators. Expose their names and let them answer for this recklessness.
Well written post. Sorry for your and your son’s pain. Broadstroking all new solutions as evil for all new pains lumped into one basket, is a mistake. Every person’s psycho emotional journey and their neuroplasticity in absorbing it are different. Many things society judges as good are learned to be bad, and vice versa. And some things bad for some are good for another. We’d like to think there are black white good bad labels which we can individually use and insist everyone else accept. That’s just not optimal living. Here’s to everyone respecting everyone else’s journey and choices while… Read more »
Since when did we have “jewish” psychedelic retreats???!!!
How come I never heard of this?
I think they are amazing when used in the right place and time. Sorry your son had a bad experience.
Thank you so much for sharing this story! I am praying that Hashem will bring all His children back from drug and smart phone addictions which are harming His children so much!!! Ana Hashem Hoshea na!!! Ana Hashem Hatzlicha na!
in Rejoice o youth R’ Avigdor Miller writes that Klal Yisrael has seen enough fads come and go to realize that given enough time most things will be exposed as the frauds that they are. Therefore, the previous generations did not jump on every new thing that came their way. rather, they waited for it to be tested by time only trying it once it was proven to be a good thing. Today, people say that there is a cost associated with not jumping in early. However, once weighed against the loses they incur it likely balances out (Gamblers always… Read more »
Is this legal? If not, call the police. This is not a matter of mussering. It’s a matter of saving lives. It might embarrass the community but if the community is doing nothing about it, then you and other parents must. Whoever saves a life, saves the world.
Ayahuasca is illegal under federal law in the United States because it usually contains DMT, which is a Schedule I substance. People have been prosecuted by the federal government for ayahuasca
Your brain naturally has DMT, in heightened amounts during sleep, after birth, and before death.
Wondering why this generation the people are screwed up and need drugs in order to function.
So sad.
If they had trauma or abuse , seems the better course is to go to a therapist or non destructive modalities. Drugs will just make them allucinate and forget for a little and then the cycle goes again. It does not heal!!!
doesn’t heal either…
I am so sad and heartbroken to read your story of your son. It is always a more permissive type of person willing to do any of these medicinal type of “drugs”. I never believed any of this mishigas and I hope everyone acknowledges that the only way to live is following and living a life of Torah. Otherwise it’s short term indulgences and the high of that ends eventually. While Torah is not always easy one always feels satisfied when knowing they are walking in the ways of Hashem. I daven that your son recovers and that everyone opens… Read more »
Can all the big mevinim and google geniuses9 please stop ignoring that DMT is a illegal Schedule I narcotic defined by the DEA as Schedule I drugs, substances, or chemicals are defined as drugs with no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse.
There is a reason why all these drugs are still illegal. If anything does or is becoming legal it should be used by prescription from doctors only.
I have never seen anyone cry whilst eating ice cream and it is so much cheaper.
Thank you for writing this.
Many people have been helped, many people have been hurt.
But wow to your vernacular! And refuah shlema to your son.
Thank you for putting this out!!!
While the situation of what happened to this boy is horrific and tragic and no parent or loved one should ever know of such pain of losing someone… This is not the sole reason psychedelics should not be used, or the only problem they pose. It’s avoda Zara, the so called shamans are essentially priests of another religion. It’s flat out ossur. Second, I’ve lived long enough to experience many many different environments where drugs are used but claiming they heal anything is an absolute grift. This is ossur al pi lifnei iver. Leaning to cope does not have shortcuts.… Read more »
There is so much mention of the substances themselves, and that is alarming enough. But there are fewer mentions of the shaman aspect, which seems pure avoda zara. If a’z is being practiced here, why have rabbonim not stomped on it straight away and explained to the masses that this sort of caper is not halachically acceptable? As mentioned by a previous poster, COTS was outlawed. Why is a shaman lead ritual not being outlawed?
dear caring father . i wish u and ur son only the best. ur being a great father looking out for your son like this and looking out for others in bringing awarness and i admire you .. your son is lucky .. he will realise it and thank you one day .. be patient .. my thoughts are with you. to the people who are taking these plant based substances … im glad its helping u reach a place that u could not reach without it .. there is a place for these teqniques with proper supervision and professional… Read more »
I don’t know the statistics but I wouldn’t be at all surprised if taking mariuana was not the beginning of the slippery slope for the majority. So many are condoning its use but please listen to Rabbi Wagner on Stump the Rabbi where he eloquently quotes the Rebbe’s dissatisfaction with it along with the views of Rabbi Moishe Feinstein on the subject .
I don’t know the statistics but I wouldn’t be surprised if the use of mariuana was the beginning of the slippery slope for the majority of those who tumbled later. Please listen to Rabbi Wagner on Stump the Rabbi on the Rebbe’s views on mariuana where the Rebbe was clearly dissatisfied with it and see there what Rabbi Moishe Feinstein has to say
needs to stop promoting them now.
Cannabis has helped me significantly. While I agree that psychedelics can sometimes be promoted in a problematic way, it’s crucial to remember that some plants, like cannabis, have real medicinal value when used responsibly. In New York State, cannabis is legal, it’s important to use it under medical supervision to ensure safety and effectiveness. Sharing experiences like mine can help promote responsible use and sharing the experiences of your son addresses concerns about misuse. I will add that during my treatment I have successfully – Gotten Married, graduated College, bore beautiful children. Cultivated a happy healthy marriage filled with communication,… Read more »
there will be those who are not in touch with themselves, or flirt with danger and do irresponsible things. like home birth, this practice is not for everyone. know thyself. to me, this is key. not everyone can handle this experience without loosing it. it seems indeed it is a risk for some.
…. and my son was one of those, sadly, who now struggles with exactly the same issues as those described by this heartbroken parent. Bad weed, fake weed, “Mr. Nice Guy” and “home grown” or “medicinal” cannabis — for a relatively small percentage of the population, any cannabis can be a direct road to hell, sometimes permanently so. Parents, beware. Don’t ignore this issue.
Love the controversy.
The reality is you can’t decide something on anecdotal evidence… relax life is good and it will all work out.
Doctors are not the people to be asked about this. They have no training with this. They are trained in other ways and therefore they say it’s not recommended. And that’s OK for them.
Watch “Change your mind” and get educated.
And just take life one step at a time.
There are no decent clinical studies establishing the safety of ketamine used for “therapy” – for the simple reason that the drug companies are not interested in sponsoring such a study, as ketamine cannot be patented. The FDA recently approved esketamine (Spravato) which is almost chemically identical to ketamine, but enough toyed with to allow Janssen to patent it. Spravato failed 5 out of 6 clinical trials. In the one “successful” trial, 3 people on Spravato committed suicide (who were not suicidal prior to the trial) versus 0 people on placebo. There were 3 other unnatural deaths in the Spravato… Read more »