On 12 Tamuz, Beth Rivkah Academy of Montreal held its second annual BBQ and Kumzitz, featuring Jewish music sensation Shulem Lemmer. The event was graciously hosted by Rabbi Yitzchak and Mrs. Julie Gniwisch at their property on Trout Lake, a country community, an hour north of Montreal.
Over 300 men and women from across the spectrum of Montreal’s Lubavitch, Chassidish, Yeshivish and Sefardi communities came together Be’achdus to support Beth Rivkah, enjoy an extravagant spread prepared by Chef Ari Raskin and be inspired by an open-air concert that lasted well into the night—culminating in dancing (and cholent).
The evening was emceed by the always entertaining and inspiring Rabbi Nochum Greenwald. Beth Rivkah board member Eli Cohen and philanthropist Jordan Flinker shared words of inspiration, and Rabbi Yosef Minkowitz, who is celebrating his fiftieth year as principal of Beis Rivkah, also shared Divrei Hisorerus about the auspicious Yom Tov of 12-13 Tamuz.
The event was organized by Beth Rivkah board members Levi Treitel and Srolic Neuwirth.
All had an uplifting time, with the common aim of supporting girls’ Chinuch. Donations to Beth Rivkah Montreal can be made at here.
Yitzchak and Julie are next level.
So nice.
To the organizers Srolik Nuewirth and Levi Trietel!
it looks so amazing kol hakavod Srolik Newirth and everyone
Thank you Rabbi and Mrs Minkowitz for all that you do.
Your impact on the lives of so many have long lasting effects.
You put in so much with so much care and devotion. May Hashem bench you with lots of nachas and much health and happiness. May BRM continue to grow m’choyil el choyil.
wow. that’s all. wow!