By COLlive reporter
R’ Michoel Schnitzler, a popular Chassidic singer and recording artist known for his Yiddish compositions, passed away on Friday, 23 Nissan 5783.
He was 62 and suffered from a heart attack.
Schnitzler was born in Berkley, California, to his father R’ Meshulam Zusha Schnitzler OBM, a son of the Tchaba Rav – R’ Shraga Shmuel Schnitzler OBM of Jerusalem.
With his father passing at young age, Michoel Schnitzler went to learn in the Tosh Yeshiva in Quebec, Canada, led by the Tosher Rav – R’ Meshulim Feish Lowy OBM.
After his marriage, Schnitzler lived in Kiryat Joel and later lived in Monsey, Sea Gate, and then Boro Park.
With a beaming smile and a panache of an entertainer, he sang at weddings and Jewish events and performed gramen, witty lines and comedic tunes in Yiddish.
He released his first album in 2000 and has been been a prolific composer, releasing 15 albums with over 150 songs. Most of them were soulful melodies in Yiddish, but he was happy to sing upbeat joyous tunes as well.
On his website, the singer stated that he has had over 35 years of entertaining and has sung at 4200 weddings. He also composed songs for fellow singers, among them Lipa Schmeltzer, Pinky Weber, and Motti Ilowitz.
Over the years, Schnitzler suffered from a heart condition and has been hospitalized several times, the Israeli website CH10 reported. A few years ago, a rumor was spread about his death. “I’m alive, not dead… I still didn’t divide the inheritance,” Schnitzler joked in response.
Schnitzler spent this past Pesach in the Holy land of Israel last week. On Friday afternoon, upon returning to New York, he suffered a massive heart attack and passed away.
Two of his brothers passed away in the same year – 5773 – both of a heart attack: R’ Sholom Schnitzler at the age of 65 while fundraising in Australia for Satmar institutions and R’ Yitzchok Aizik Schnitzler at the age of 63 in Monsey. Another brother, R’ Boruch Yehuda Schnitzler of Williamsburg, passed at 63 in 5779.
The levayah will be held on Sunday at 10 AM at Har Shalom Cemetery – 44 Hillside Ave, Airmont, NY 10952.
Baruch Dayan Haemes.
Michoel Schnitzler sings “Eluku D’meir Aneini” in memory of his brother, R’ Boruch Yida Schnitzler OBM
Michoel Schnitzler sings Adoni Hamelech with Motti Vizel
Just six days ago, a special media post included a clip from Schnitzler speaking to youth at risk and people dealing with hardships. His message of Pesach was that Hashem assists us with taking us out of our own Mitzraim (constraints).
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Wow, how sad. he was such a kind and special person.
May his family only have simchos in the future and be reunited with him by Moshiach very soon
My favorite singer, so hartzig, so yiddish!.I loved his voice
Chaval deavdin
After he once joked about a rumor about him dead, I feel compelled to relate this story about a famous classical composer. Bela Bartok was a re-nouned musical composer from Hungary. He was opposed to the anti-Semitic policies of Hungary, plus his country joining the Axis powers (see: So, he emigrated to the United States, living here for the rest of his life (passed away in a NY hospital in 1945). Anyway, 3 years before he died (from leukemia) he was in the hospital, on his death-bed. A famous orchestral conductor (forgot who that was) paid a visit to… Read more »
I remember his brother came to Melbourne. He would not take any money from Yeengelait unless they could guarantee him they could afford it.
Hashem Yerachaim!
Please post the Shiva locations