A Pakistani national in Canada plotted to slaughter as many Jewish people as possible before he was charged with attempting to provide material support to ISIS, federal prosecutors said Friday.
Muhammad Shahzeb Khan, 20, was arrested this week in Canada, where he planned to travel to New York to carry out a mass shooting at a Chabad Headquarters 770 in Brooklyn, according to the criminal complaint.
Khan began posting on social media and communicating on an encrypted messaging app about his support for ISIS last November, the complaint said.
An NYPD official describes the Khan’s plan as aspirational, not operational. Khan was looking to target a Jewish center located in Brooklyn, but was not 100% set and appeared open to suggestion.
Law enforcement does not believe he had access to get a weapon, forcing him to communicate with the undercover agents, allegedly telling them about a “coordinated assault” using AR-style rifles to “target Israeli Jewish chabads.”
“The defendant is alleged to have planned a terrorist attack in New York City around October 7th of this year with the stated goal of slaughtering, in the name of ISIS, as many Jewish people as possible,” Attorney General Merrick Garland said in a statement announcing the charges. “Jewish communities – like all communities in this country – should not have to fear that they will be targeted by a hate-fueled terrorist attack.”
Khan allegedly told the undercovers October 7 and October 11 “are the best days for targeting Jews.”
October 7 is the anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel. October 11 is Yom Kippur.
He was arrested after sharing his plans with two undercover FBI agents, which he said would be “the biggest on US soil since 9/11”. He asked them to get M-16 assault rifles and told them where it would take place, at “the Chabad World Center in Brooklyn.”
He also stated that October 11, close to Yom Kippur, was for him a possible alternative date for the attack – thinking that on that day many would gather in the Jewish centers.
The terrorist added that “if we succeed, this is going to be one of the biggest attacks ever on Jews outside of Israel.”
According to the indictment, he ordered them to go on preliminary tours of the destination to inspect them from the inside and identify the emergency exits.
The NYPD is already rolling out plans for extra security in Jewish neighborhoods, ahead of the high holy days, and a holiday security briefing was already scheduled for community leaders Monday afternoon at NYPD headquarters
Khan is charged with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to a designated foreign terrorist organization. If convicted, he faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.
Alright people
Bring your guns to shul this tishrei
And if attacked turn it into a venehapech hoo.
No lockdowns no surveillance no crowd limits
Don’t let the deep state get their way and hijack the threat to our lives that they created to clamp down on our freedoms.
Ie: the tsa
Dude just chill, not everything is the deep state
We’re you living under a rock during covid?
A Mitzvah To Completely Annihilate Amolek. NOW
!אמן ואמן
כן צוה ה את הברכה חיים עד העולם
We must to our best to protect ourselves and not rely on miracles, arm yourself and Trust Hashem
For allowing terrorist into Canada!
Maybe the terrorist got to Canada from here?
Maybe there’s no real terrorist to begin with and we’re being sold a boat by the political intelligence agencies that have an agenda?
There’s no way to verify this tale other than relying on a crook and liar Attorney General Merrick Garland.
Khan was looking to target a Jewish center located in Brooklyn, but was not 100% set and appeared open to suggestion.
He was going to target Chabad in Brooklyn. He wanted to kill a lot of people it’s just putting 2 and 2 together.
Like Schumer’s office?
Sheesh sounds like a professional terrorist.
Looking for suggestions.
Maybe he was searching for the right shidduch?
The report does mention “…AR-style rifles to “target[] Israeli Jewish chabads . . . scattered all around..” and “Brooklyn”.
But the writer here was not clear on the details. Could have written it better.
He asked them to get M-16 assault rifles and told them where it would take place, at “the Chabad World Center in Brooklyn.” which is obviously 770.
Crn Hts Outsider
the legal complaint does not say “Chabad World Center” but does imply 770 by many references. I posted the complaint in dropbox, but unfortunately it was not accepted as a comment.
Crn Hts Outsider
Yes, they did good now and prevented it. But you need to remember that chas vsholom if we have a problem, we cannot rely on them. 1991, 2008 etc… we need to do our part
Don’t forget the many other times too..
It as Canada that prevented it.
We need trump
We need Moshiach
We need Hashem.
Trump just might be the right shliach.
But we need Hashem.
He can send us the yeshuos another way too.
Not limited to anyone
Maybe it’s time for 770 to have armed guards at the entrance like we have at our Yeshivas & School which is funded by the Government.
The government is the threat
Become your own armed guard.
And if everyone does it we’ll have an armed guard army to protect ourselves.
No need to outsource your security to people who need to get paid at enormous cost.
Nobody will care about your own safety and the safety of your community as much as you.
Step up the time is now
Of course they need armed guards
Don’t rely on police. By the time police show up it will be too late. Conceal carry in shul is the only solution here.
This is something so terrible that the first thought that came to my head is that MOSHIACH IS COMING
If we all really believe that, Moshiach will be here by then. We’re so close to Moshiach!
Everyone should be applying for concealed carry permits. It’s more important now than ever.
While waiting for your permit invest in some hands-on training. You cannot just watch videos. Find a good instructor and take lessons.
This is what was said about the Oct 7 plans when discovered a year before , the Israel authorities also surmised .
‘Anyone who takes the time to draw up a playbook will use it – Tim Waltz’
Everyone be smart be safe and daven
Even if armed guards anyone can dress the part and walk in
Need el Al style, Israeli detectives who can spot someone in a second
Get real
If we are trained we can protect ourselves too
Every Shule should trained, armed Mispalelim inside and armed security outside.
Y’all gotta chill, not everyone is out to kill us.
Jews are the #1 targeted group, and have been for some time. I am constantly reminded of people who I thought were our friends showing their true colors as soon as it becomes convenient for them. In addition in a world of billions of people, it only takes one person with an evil plan and a successful attempt to cause a tragedy. Don’t be naiive.
But some are
And the ones that are used to live across the world
Until they were imported across the border and into our neighborhood by our benevolent gvt who love us so much that they want to also be the only ones we rely on to protect us from said terrorists.
Classic abuse cycle
שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותנו *והקב״ה מצילנו מידם*
Sure we have terrorists that are salivating to slaughter us.
But this particular story sounds odd.
Precisely, it does, until it doesn’t!
The time is now for every individual who can get a firearm to do so, and get the proper training.
We will not sit here and relay on others.
During the gulf war….
בג’ שבט ה’תשנ”א פחדו מספר נשים לנסוע ולהשתתף בכינוס נשי ובנות חב”ד במיניסוטא, ארה”ב.
And to this the rebbe responded:
אויב א גוי פון דארטן טוט וואס ער טוט ווייל ער גלויבט אין זיין געטשקע, כל שכן וקל וחומר אז אידן וואס גלויבן אין דעם אויבערשטען, דארפן טאן אלץ צו באווייזן זייער בטחון, און ניט חס ושלום טאן אזוינע זאכן וואס זיינען העדר הבטחון, במילא דארף מען זען, אז די אלע וואס האבן געדארפט פארן זאלן פארן, און מען זאל זען אז ס’זאל צוקומען נאך.
הרבי הוסיף שישלח דולרים שליחות מצוה לצדקה לאלה שנסעו
Must be election season.
Really need those lockdowns and mail in ballots back, now that the covid hysteria is long over.
What’s on the menu for the next health scare?
Come on CIA don’t keep us in suspense
The night of Oct. 7 is vav Tishrei, the yahrzeit of Rebbetzin Chana, the Rebbe’s mother, May her merit and the mitzvos of challah, nida, and hadlokos neiros be a zechus to protect us.Have all of the mezuzos in 770 been checked? There should be achdus in 770.
Even though this wicked person has, boruch Hashem, been caught, we should still be vigilant.
אמן ואמן!
This article effortlessly illustrates what we say on Pesach. In every generation an enemy arises to attack us, but The Holy One Blessed Be He, saves us from their hand. Thank You HASHEM!!
Here in Bais Menachem of North Miami Beach we have private security, a few security guards are constantly present.
I always felt in 770, but perhaps with today’s headlines, it would be appropriate for 770 to follow in Miami’s example.
May we all have a very safe tishrei!
*We also have top notch security in all our schools
The Rebbe’s words when notified about a terroir threat on 770 from the PLO in 1990
“No one should be frightened or cause others to fear, but everyone should appreciate the need to increase, in a spirit of happiness and security, their Torah study, prayer, and gifts to charity. Everyone should also think of additional activities that he or she can carry out, following the above guidelines”.
See here in more length: https://www.chabad.org/therebbe/article_cdo/aid/2499825/jewish/Towards-Peace-and-Security-5750-1990.htm
It seems this guy WANTED to become a terrorist. He’s guilty of saying what he thought would be a good place and a good time to kill and willingness to be involved. But he needed others to supply the guns, the manpower, etc. He said this to people he thought could help him but were undercover agents. So, yes, they stopped someone who wanted to do bad from possibly doing it, but this was far from anything real or developed. But a good alarm, in case one is necessary, to put in place reasonable deterrent and protections, just as Yaakov… Read more »
We need unity in 770 and everything will be ok
its time to expand 770 NOW
lets all do it together
we will win
We need unity, achdus absolutely! We must expand tefilla, teshuva, and gemilas Chassadim!!
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1xs6z90brw7080gro5k71/u.s._v._khan_complaint_0.pdf?rlkey=0f33qhrkc1zqrwzgvrkxo2xzw&dl=0 – Here is the link to a marked up version of the legal complaint.
This was more then aspirational, they caught him on his way trying to cross the Canadian border.
Maybe the city wants to offer this potential terrorist, room and board, together with all his buddies in the new mega shelter they’re building between crown heights and east flatbush.
We’re in for some big trouble if this terrible violence magnet is successfully built.
We ain’t seen nothing yet.
What needs to be done to stop this development?
I was going to New York and there was a very high security with guns and dogs.It is real and we need to be careful and get the NYPD in and we need have high security and all religious synagogues