Following last week’s popular first episode, brothers Shais Taub and Dovid Taub are back to discuss topics they find interesting.
Shais Taub is an author, teacher, and speaker whose works appear on Dovid Taub is an animator and puppeteer well known as the creator of the Itche Kadoozie show.
Topics from this episode include: if humor can be a “Triojan horse;” the difference between legitimate art and propaganda; how the National Security Administration can help you learn chasidus; the connection between the Rashbi, the Ari Zal, the Baal Shem Tov, and Moshiach; Laffy Taffy jokes; and much, much more.
Buckle up for this 43-minute whirlwind conversation of deep Torah ideas and humor that moves so quickly from subject to subject you’ll have to watch three times just to catch it all.
Says It’s limited. Need G Suite?!