What lessons can we learn from the current situation when we are all staying at home? In a special pre-Pesach shiurm, Rabbi Shais Taub points out that on the night of the first Pesach, the Jewish people were also stuck at home, as it says (Shmos 12:22) “no one shall leave the entrance of his house until morning.” What can we learn today from this “quarantine”?
Rabbi Taub draws upon a sicha of the Rebbe (Likkutei Sichos vol. 26 pp. 77-84) which discusses the importance of the first Pesach taking place when Jews were confined to their homes as well as a letter from the Rebbe dated 11 Nissan, 5724 which explains why eating the korban Pesach was always performed at home.
This was truly beautiful – your words certainly entered one heart, and many many more I’m sure.