Project Likkutei Sichos has launched an exciting live weekly shiur for women, featuring acclaimed Shlucha, lecturer and author Mrs. Rivky Slonim.
Mrs. Slonim will teach the Sicha inside, clearly explaining every segment in her captivating and articulate manner. You will know the Sicha and be able to share it with others confidently!
First Shiur begins today, Thursday, June 4th at 10:00 AM ET.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 4891 0272
Is there a recording of the sicha? Would love to be able to learn it
I too would love a recording….Is this shiur once a week? Same day same time?
I teach online during that time. Would love if it was regularly recorded! Thank you!
I too am sorry to have missed. Please update if recorded. Ty
Interested in recording! Difficult time for moms of little ones
Please let us know how we can hear recording.