On Sunday, the women of Seder Nashim gathered to celebrate a siyum, marking the conclusion of an incredible inaugural year at the Lemaan Yilemdu women’s program.
Over the past year, more than 80 women have devoted their Sunday mornings to delving into practical Halacha in the realms of Shabbos, Kashrus, and Taharas Hamishpacha. Coming together on Sunday, in person and over zoom, these women celebrated all that hard work.
Mrs. Esther Wilhelm and Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm warmly welcomed and congratulated the attendees for their pioneering spirit, recognizing the groundbreaking nature of their endeavor. They also reflected on the legacy of Rabbi Zusha Wilhelm A”H, underscoring the significance of women’s inclusion in his vision of making Halacha accessible to all.
Following their remarks, both teachers and some graduates shared personal insights gained from the course, highlighting how their understanding of the halachos of Shabbos, Kashrus, and Taharas Hamishpacha has profoundly enriched their observance of these three foundational mitzvos. They offered words of encouragement, urging one another to continue their journey of learning and growth.
As the program prepares to embark on its second year, the opportunity to deepen one’s knowledge of Halacha is open to all. If you’ve longed to expand your understanding of Halacha and wish to be part of this transformative program, look no further.
To register visit: https://women.lemaanyilmedu.com/
This is so impressive.
Hi, I love what you’re doing. How can you make this program more accessible to women with small children? I’d love to join. But a year-long committment is too much. Is it possible to have a course that is only 6 weeks long?
The cost also makes it not very accessible to families paying tuition, rent etc etc
If this was more affordable I would love to be a part of it
You don’t need to take all three.
You can sign up for just one class (not a full year) if that is your preference. Also, you can take classes online and they are recorded. Not just in person. It’s very accessible. .
Iove this!!
Mazel tov to all!
Mazel tov to the valedictorian with 100% on all three tests!
Thank you for inviting me!
This is really amazing yasher Koach