“Leadership is not a position or a title, it is an action and example.”
This rings true for Kol Yakov Yehuda, a Jr. congregation for Lubavitch boys and girls in Los Angeles, where the children are promoted and encouraged to lead, by way of example. KYY is unique in that it focuses on being the Shul “for the kids, by the kids” giving real life tips and opportunities for leadership and community involvement to the kids.
As per tradition each year, the mispallelim and mispallelos of The Rebbe’s Diamond Daveners will convene to cast ballots for their elected leaders this Motzei Shabbos.
Who are these leaders they are electing, you may ask?
Not big rabbi’s or mashpiim, but the members of the minyan itself; the children!
“We are here to empower the children. We give them the tools to become leaders and in turn empower others,” says Rabbi Mendel Duchman, founder and director of KYY. “In our 13 years of existence, we have seen many young boys and girls flourish and gain confidence, when given the chance. Leaders are made – not born.”
Named for Rabbi JJ Hecht, well known for empowering children through Education, Kol Yakov Yehuda truly leads by example with putting the children up on a pedestal and giving them the chance to lead in their own right.
During a Melava Malka meal on Motzoei Shabbos, three teams of three candidates that are running will present their pledge improvements to the congregation with a video presentation and a live debate, following which their fellow members will vote for the electoral candidates they feel will best represent them.
The three teams are Levi Cohen, Mendel Raeburn and Yechezkel Pinson marked as CPR (Concentration during davening Penetrates higher Realms), Levi Farkash, Avrohom Moshe Eichenblatt and Zali Raichik known as the EASY and Yossi Raeburn, Sruly Glabman and Schneur Zalman Arnold presented as the SRS’s.
The candidate are all students of Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles.
Mrs Srula Chaiton, who runs the Ezras Noshim division of KYY, said all voting and tallying of votes will be done under the watchful eye of an independent CPA/auditor “guaranteeing a free and fair outcome.”
This year will have an added farbrengen following the voting ceremony, celebrating the Rebbe and Rebbetzin’s anniversary with lebedike wedding dancing and a live simcha orchestra!
go levi cohen mbp champ
go levi cohen
Go avraham moshe
My vote goes to Levi Cohen, Mendel Raeburn, and Yechezkel Pinson– three brilliant, charismatic young leaders!
go levi farkash