Photos: Aharon Gellis/COLlive
A grand Farbrengen at 770 Eastern Parkway marked the 73rd Yud Shevat, the day of the Frierdiker Rebbe’s Yartzeit and the day the Rebbe accepted leadership of Chabad-Lubavitch.
Speakers included Rabbi Gershon Avtzon Rosh Yeshiva in Cincinnati, Rabbi Michoel Tayeb, Mashpia in Kfar Chabad, Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz, Shliach in Florida, and others.
Rabbi Minkowicz gave an overview of the classic Maamar of the Rebbe Basi L’gani of 5723 that thousands of Chasidim have been learning for the last month.
He shared a powerful and inspiring story of a Baal Teshuva, who upon realizing they are children of G-d, were able to transform their lives and experience true peace and happiness.
The Farbrengen concluded with niggunim and dancing.
VIDEO: Spirited dancing at 770