Based in the heart of Crown Heights, Gan Academy Yeshiva offers students a high level of education in both kodesh and chol. Their small classes enable an individualized educational setting and meaningful engagement opportunities. The focus of their education is to give each student the tools they need to learn and succeed, have a deep understanding of torah, tefillah and chassidus and to create a strong foundation for ahavas and yiras Hashem. All the Judaic studies are taught based on the directives of the Rebbe, and academic goals are maintained by following the standards developed by the Menachem Education Foundation. The chol curriculum is based on the scope and sequence as mandated by the New York State Department of Education.
Outside of textbook education, Gan Academy Yeshiva focuses attention on teaching children from as young as the age of two, to have good middos and strong interpersonal skills. Students are taught to value themselves, their peers and their teachers through thematic units, and arts such as sports and music. These programs teach children to understand and value themselves as individuals, and the importance of others. The rules of the school are to be kind and to be respectful. This encompasses all middos both “bein adam l’chaveiro” and “bein adam l’makom”. The school also runs a school-wide anti bullying program with precautions in place as recommended by DASA.
Gan Academy Yeshiva has a literacy specialist, and experts for specific areas of education. The teachers receive weekly training. Each classroom staff meets weekly with the Curriculum Director, Mrs. Shaindy Schapiro to discuss progress of the individual children and classroom goals.
As you walk through the halls of Gan Academy Yeshiva, you get a feel for the chayus for yiddishkeit being instilled in the children. With programs like ‘I davened like a chossid’ reward cards and the ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ tree. The school is infused with learning opportunities that sets its students up for long term success. The teachers and greet each child with a smile and warmth. In the elementary class, the students daven with meaning and learn with passion; their joy for learning is palatable.
Do you have a child aged two to fifth grade? Come to the open house and find out more about what Gan Academy Yeshiva has to offer. See the curriculums, understand the methodology, and hear from the staff.
Registration for Gan Academy Open House is now open.
To reserve your spot please visit or email [email protected]