Tune in for a live broadcast from the Rebbe’s Rashab’s Ohel in Rostov on Friday, 10:00 am Eastern Time.
Tehillim and a pan will be ready at the Ohel, joined virtually by distinguished Rabbonim from around the world.
Panim and names can be sent in advance to be placed by the Ohel at www.BeisNisan.com
VIDEO: Special Tour
Absolutely amazing. we are so grateful you took the time
and shared the most awesome space of a Rebbeh.
Thank you for your time.
L’chaim and Good Shabbos
Thank you so much for showing us this beautiful tour & explaining us the history behind it so we can have some idea what it was back then a 100 years ago.
Thank you again!
Fascinating indeed! Ty so much for sharing with us!
I studied in yeshiva there 15 years ago. If only we appreciated its history and holiness back when we were young. Thanks for the flashback!
Thank you Rabbi, this was very meaningful to watch on this special day, חזק ואמץ
Thanks Rabbi for this incredible tour and for sharing light with others around the globe!
Was always so curious to get to know this holy place with stories related to it. The thirst was a bit quenched but bezh one day will be able to visit.
Thank you for this most uplifting video,
what a chizuk to have this tour and powerful message from our fellow Shliach
Mechayil el choyil taking us to Moshiach Now
gd shabbos
This was such an incredible uplifting watch! Made my beis nisan very meaningful
thank you so much for your presentation how do we donate
how do we donate to chabad rostov