Saturday, 26 Nisan, 5784
  |  May 4, 2024

Exclusive: The Rebbe and Bibi

In newly released footage from 1991, the Rebbe sends a strong message to future Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Video

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to 3
May 29, 2011 1:24 am

to me, it sounds like; “Far Aleh “Mudois,,”.
=for all ads.
he produced and publicized very nice and attractive ads with Jewish themes.
Its a loss for us all, we all miss them.
Maybe this would give Josh [-as he was affectionately called], another push to continue on in the line he got the Brocha from the Rebbe.

Thanks for sharing video.
Ps, what’s the missing part with the Poster?

Behatslacha Meruba,
An admirer,

Hope the Rebbe’s clear message, gets to Bibi from time to time.

One more on Bibi;

to #3: whats the last thing the Rebbe says to Metzger?
May 29, 2011 12:55 am

B”H The Rebbe gave another dollar to R’ Yehoshua Metzger, and said: “Fahr Ahleh Moido’ois” = for all the Notifications / Advertisements. Some background: At that time, Rabbi Metzger (still a Bochur, I recall) would organize very classy and professional adverts, to promote various Inyonim, primarily Yomim Tovim & Moshiach. The adverts were seen on subways, buses and in print media. This fellow here presents the Rebbe with an advert. for Sh’vuos. If you look closely, as he passes it by the Rebbe, you can partly see the words, which said: “Claim your inheritance”. From memory, the Rebbe even had… Read more »

to 4
May 29, 2011 12:38 am

I believe it’s: “far alle modo’os” — that is apparently regarding the PR campaign promoting mitzvois that he was doing (shown right at the beginning)

whats the last thing the Rebbe says to Metzger?
May 28, 2011 11:41 pm
att #!
May 28, 2011 9:57 pm

good one m.c

Bibi loves America bibi loves America
May 28, 2011 9:46 pm

Sing along ppl!!!!!