A special Chof Daled Teves event will take place in Montreal, Canada to mark the 13th Yartzeit of the the legendary Mashpia and Kabbalist Reb Volf Greenglass OBM.
Rabbi Greenglass, a devoted Shliach of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe and the Rebbe, was a beloved educator who merited to inculcate Chasidic values and Chabad Chasidus teachings to over 3 generations of students.
In his honor, the family and many of the Montreal institutions are organizing a beautiful event, with guest keynote speaker, Rabbi Nissen Mangel.
The public is invited to watch this evening of chizuk prayer for Eretz Yisrael and inspiring farbrengen live on COLive.com and at REBVOLF.COM.
In honor of the 13th Yartzeit, the book about Reb Volf Greenglass, containing many of Reb Volf’s farbrengen stories, Minhagim, and teachings, will be published in English.
After many years of hard work, a team of dedicated editors translated the book of Rabbi Greenglass into English. This English translation will allow the English-speaking public to learn and savor the wisdom and dedication of this unique chassidishe personality of our generation.
The book can be pre-purchased online at REBVOLF.COM or at your local Hebrew book store in the near future.
Rabbi Menachem Zev Greenglass (halevi) was originally born to a non-Chabad family in the Polish town of Krasnik, near Lublin, and was sent to learn in the Chabad Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim in Lodge and Otwock where he acquired his vast knowledge in Torah, Kabbalah and Chassidus.
After fleeing Nazi-occupied Europe to Shanghai, China, Rabbi Greenglass traveled from there to Montreal, Canada, as one of the 9 shluchim sent by the Previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, to cultivate the Jewish community.
Their first achievement was establishing the Rabbinical College of Canada, also known as Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim. Thousands of students from nonobservant families got the taste and love for Judaism in the school. they became the many Torah observant grandparents of today’s frum community.
Rabbi Greenglass, or Reb Volf, was soon appointed as the Head Mashpia and spent many years teaching and inspiring thousands of Lubavitch students who went on to become shluchim, community leaders, and chassidishe yungeleit and professionals around the world.
He was known to say, “You should never ‘put down’ (criticize) a student, you should ‘elevate’ him, and show him his unlimited positive potentials.”
Together with his longtime friend Rabbi Leibel Groner obm, who served as the Rebbe’s secretary, he made the first attempt to document Chabad customs in the monumental book “Sefer Haminhagim.”
In Montreal, he was always referred to by members of the Jewish community as a Tzaddik and a Malach (a righteous man and an angel). The Rebbe once called him “my Mekubal (Kabbalist).”
It’s not working. I wanna buy the book.
What time will this be on?
8:00pm tonight
Watch it by clicking link