How well do you really know your cousins in Eretz Yisrael???
You send them shanah tovah cards.
You call before Yom Tov, and to wish each other mazal tov on simchas.
He’s always happy to host your son in Yeshivah and your daughter in seminary for Shabbosos.
On the outside, everything looks fine, wonderful.
But what you don’t know is that, at night, he can’t fall asleep.
What you don’t know is that she looks through the closets and her heart plummets when she sees that her kids have outgrown last year’s Shabbos clothes, and their weekday shoes are small.
Pesach is coming, and while you clean and scrub and shop, they also clean and scrub.
But they can’t afford to shop…
They’re at a loss, because Pesach is coming, and they can’t afford even a fraction of the overwhelming Yom Tov expenses.
Matzah, wine, meat and fish…
Who’s even thinking about clothing or shoes for the kids???
My cousins?? It can’t be. They’re fine.
They’re so normal. Who would ever think?
But you haven’t heard him ask the grocery store owner to let him buy on credit one more time…
You weren’t there when she went to buy tights and underclothes for the kids and had to return several items to the shelves because she didn’t have enough money…
You weren’t there at Kupas Beis Yisrael Chalukah to see the joy in his eyes and the smile on her face as they filled boxes with food and household provisions!
You didn’t see it, because baruch Hashem, you’re not there…
Unfortunately, there are so, so many families who signed up this year to receive food and other Yom Tov needs from our annual Kimcha D’Pischa distribution. Families who, otherwise, won’t have food for Yom Tov…
Pesach is here! Now’s the time to reach out and help families in Eretz Yisrael who can’t afford to bring in Yom Tov! And you never know… It just might be your cousin, your old yeshivah chavrusah, or your seminary friend.
Now’s the time to help a family sit at the Seder and truly celebrate the day of our nation’s redemption!
Hashem repays us all middah keneged middah! Donate now to the Kupas Beis Yisrael Chalukah, and come to the Seder armed with zechuyos and the knowledge that you enabled another Jewish family to celebrate Pesach like kings!