In honor of the 80th Hilulah of the Rebbe’s father, Harav Hagaon Hachossid veHamekubal Rav Levi Yitzchok זי”ע, Rabbi Yonason Johnson, director of the MAOR Centre – Melbourne, gave 2 online Shiurim in the Kabbalistic writings of the Baal Hahilulah.
The teachings of Reb Levik are wondrous, but are very cryptic and draw on Kabbalistic concepts, allusions, connections and Gematrios, making them very difficult for many to follow and understand. With the aid of visual slides, Rabbi Johnson presents these teachings in an accessible manner.
In honor of the 80th Hilulah, they are being shared online for the wider world Chabad community to enjoy.
The first Shiur is based on the writings of Reb Levik on the Zohar of Parshas Vaeschanan, discussing the Mitzvah of Mezuzah. The Zohar lists the Mezuzah together with other Mitzvos including; Tzitzis, Tefillin, Bris Milah and the agricultural Mitzvos. Reb Levik connects these Mitzvos to the different Sefiros, bringing out the unique place and position of the Mezuzah.
The second Shiur is based on the Kabbalistic analysis of a well-known passage in the Gemara – Mesechta Taanis describing a meal shared between 2 Amoraim at which the teaching of Rabbi Yochanan that “Yaakov Avinu did not die” is shared. Reb Levik analyses this episode, relating it to the Sefiros embodied by each of the Amoraim, the timing of this meal and the connection to this specific teaching about Yaakov Avinu.
The MAOR Centre was recently established in Melbourne Australia, to spread the teachings of Torah and specifically Hafatzas Hamaayanos of the teachings of Chassidus. More original written and video content is available on