Multiple different drug regimens have been tried in many centers over the past few weeks. Recommendations and protocols are changing daily. None of these treatments have at this time stood up to rigorous testing with proven results. However in the current emergency situation, every possible agent is being tried. One of these is hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) that the president spoke about this morning.
Following the president’s press conference, there has been a massive demand for Plaquenil. At this time there is minimal or no Plaquenil available. The pharmacies are obviously working to procure a supply. Given the current shortage we ask people not to hoard the drug in any way and allow those who may most benefit now access to the limited supply. Please be aware this is a drug with multiple known side effects that relate to the central nervous system, the eye, the heart, and skin in particular. At this time, locally, whatever supplies are available should be reserved for high risk patients who have not recovered after the first few days of illness. If supplies become freely available we will update as needed.
COVID hotline:
Isolation support helpline:
(or call the hotline if needed)
– The Gedaliah Society, in conjunction with Dr. Rosen
Dr. Rosen and Gedaliah society, thank you thank you for all that you are doing, providing info and support. Wishing you only health and revealed good for all of klal yisroel
Refuos and yeshuos now!
this medicine requires a prescription, one cannot simply buy it in a pharmacy over the counter
There is a video online of a revered professor from Israel about how cannabis helps the body heal from the virus faster and weakens its effects.
So all the elderly should get cbd infused products ASAP!!! Please the crown heights community awaken to this awesome pathway to strengthening and healing.
Love to no end.
The forefathers and truly righteous of all generations.