On June 13th, hundreds of viewers tuned in to CCL Shul Member’s webinar broadcast on “Managing Personal Safety in Uncertain Times,” which was live-streamed on various social media channels, including Facebook, YouTube, and LinkedIn.
CCLSM Shul Security Director Carmi Lawrence hosted Greg Williams and Brian Marren from Arcadia Cognerati, a world-class consulting firm that trains government personnel in the art and science of situational awareness.
The main speaker, Greg Williams, is a decorated, veteran urban law enforcement professional and a decorated, veteran former soldier with over 35 years of combined experience and expertise. He was the architect of the world-renowned US Marine Corps’ highly successful and lifesaving “Combat Hunter” program. Greg has trained every Special Forces unit in the United States and much of the world as well as the DEA, FBI, ATF, CIA, DIA, and the US Department of Homeland Security.
Mr. Williams graciously donated his time and expertise to the Chicago Jewish community by providing an inside look into his scientifically validated program, which gives you the cognitive tools necessary to read and predict human behavior. This kind of training “unlocks” your innate ability to sense danger in your environment. Among other things, the webinar covered a basic understanding of human behavior and human performance, HOW to look for things, not WHAT to look for, how to use the cognitive abilities you were born with, understanding a proactive mindset, and how to identify patterns of behavior.
“These are necessary skills that a Shul Security Officer must possess to be effective at his duties as an SSO,” said Carmi Lawrence, CCL Shul Members Shul Security Director.
Although the seminar was directed to Shul Safety Officers (SSO’s), shul greeters and screeners, school administrators, and school safety personnel, the skills presented benefit anyone wanting to enhance their everyday safety in the community.
Currently, the SSO Program is active in 17 Chicagoland Shuls and is growing. The program is a proactive strategy the community is taking to help ensure the safety of their Synagogues. CCL Shul Members is currently accepting applicants concerned for the safety of their fellow Jews who can commit to training properly. See cclsso.org for more information.