Mrs. Channie Rotenburg, who was an educator in Los Angeles for many years and more recently of Crown Heights, passed away on Monday, 14 Tammuz, 5780.
She was 65.
Channie was the daughter of Avraham Yaakov and Malka Levitin obm.
Channie served as a teacher and a principal in Los Angeles for many years. For the last 10 years, she and her family have been residents of Crown Heights.
She is survived by her husband, Danny Rotenberg and children, Kaila Schaffran – Crown Heights, Naftoli Rotenberg – Crown Heights, Dini Hecht – Crown Heights, Malky Goodman – Florida, Shmulie Rotenberg – Boston, Bassy Tauby – Toronto, Mushky Messing – New York and Yaakov Rotenberg – New York.
She is also survived by her siblings, Tema Leider – Crown Heights and Sheindel Akslelrod – Crown Heights.
She was predeceased by her brothers Sholom Levitin obm and Leima Levitin obm.
The Levaya will pass by 770 at 2:00 PM.
The family is sitting Shiva at 580 crown #202
Shachris: 8:30 am
Mincha: 8:00 pm
Maariv: 9:00 pm
Doors open till 9:30 PM
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
how much pain?
Moshiach NOW !!!
Today Is Yud Daled is her Brother, Leima a’h Yahrzeit
BDE. So so sorry to hear the loss of your wife and mother. She will sorely be missed. She was a very sweet lady.
What a special person, you will be missed.
Yud Daled Tammuz is also the yorzeit of her father in law
Yaakov Naftoli Ben Shloima Zalman Rotenberg
Chanie was a lovely warm intelligent person. Just a joy to be around her. May she be a maylitz usher for her family and klall Yisroel.
Danny sorry to learn of the petirah of your wife o”h.
May she be a Gutte Bette for you, your
children and the whole Mishpocho
המקום ינחם אתכם …..
Eli Sufrin
Back in the mid 80’s they had lived in London U.K. what a nice family, only Besuros Tovos. & stay strong.
Is there an email address for Nichum aveilim?
HaMokom yenachem eschem besoch shaar availi tzion vyrushalaim. So sorry for your loss.