A state-of-the-art school network has seen tremendous success in all six of its current schools, and now it is opening applications to join the network available to Chabad-Lubavitch centers across the United States and Canada.
With hundreds of Chabad preschools enjoying tremendous popularity across the U.S., many parents have asked shluchim to consider opening elementary schools for their children — a daunting task for anyone. But with the resources, curriculum and support Tamim Academy brings to the table, six Chabad centers with existing preschools have been able to successfully launch Tamim Academy elementary schools, offering their communities quality Jewish grade-school education.
“As people heard about how well the Tamim Academies were being received by their local communities, we’ve been inundated with requests to partner with shluchim in additional cities in opening Tamim branches,” said Holly Cohen, CEO of Tamim Academy. “We’re excited to now be able to open up applications to Chabad centers across the U.S.”
Currently, there are Tamim Academies in Burlington, Vermont, New York City, NY, Greenwich, Connecticut, Salt Lake City, Utah, Austin, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida. Each is affiliated with the local Chabad center and directed by a local shliach or shlucha.
Guided by a team of experienced educators, Tamim Academy partners with Chabad centers to create state-of-the-art Jewish elementary schools, bringing a new level of excellence to Jewish education. Tamim brings a consistent high-level educational standard to each location, while also customizing the learning experience to fit the unique needs of each community as well as the needs of each student.
Tamim is a result of Mivtzah Chinuch, Jewish education campaign, launched by the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of blessed memory, in 1976. The school’s name is sourced from Tomchei Temimim, the flagship network of yeshivos launched by the Rebbe Rashab.
Utilizing an innovative curriculum that brings an interdisciplinary educational approach to a series of special seasonal focuses, Tamim Academy provides a true-to-roots Jewish education that’s implemented through a child-centered pedagogy that embraces modern educational methods, nature and artistic expression.
For more information and to apply to create a local Tamim Academy in your community, https://tamimacademy.org/apply
Very proud of my daughter Bryna Leider who is actively involved in this wonderful program
Bryna is amazing!
Very proud of my sister in law Bryna Leider who is a pioneer of this wonderful program!
One of the best things that ever happened to that school is Bryna Leider
We love Bryna and all she’s doing for chassidishe chinuch in Lubavitch! Thank you!
Bryna is simply the best!