Chaya Sarah Malka, 38-year old mother of 3 (Fairfax area) is in a very tough battle against cancer, which has taken the sight in one eye, and left her weak and in constant pain. You can help her family have the comfort of knowing that their expenses are taken care of for the year. Please step forward to help!
Chaya Sarah Malka has been battling cancer since 2016. Because her husband, Shmuli, is her full-time caregiver, he is not able to work. Now, her California doctors have said she should go to hospice. She has a critical opportunity to be treated at an out-of-state clinic. Sarah herself is a orphan.
Sarah, Shmuli and their family are an inspiration to their Los Angeles community with their unbelievable bitachon. They demonstrated tremendous emuna earlier this year when their 7-year old went missing, and was then found. Thank you to everyone who came to help in the search. The amazing achdus of the community in LA and beyond was incredible. Now, we are asking for your help to join together again, this time to save Sarah’s life.
Because she cannot walk and needs oxygen, generous ba’alei tzedkah in Los Angeles arranged a private medical flight out of state. But the war is not yet over, as the family must cover the out of pocket cost of treatment and living expense both out-of-state for Sarah and her husband, while still maintaining a home for their children in California, where family members are helping out.
Please continue to pray for Chaya Sarah Malka bas Bracha Leah Chava, for a refua shleima now!
All donations made here will be put towards medical and related expense for Sarah’s full recovery.
Give and spread the word to all you know! Help Chaya Sarah Malka bas Bracha Leah Chava, this young wife and mother of 3, win the battle!
With our heartfelt gratitude and deepest appreciation,
Friends and Family of Sarah and Shmuli
Refua shelema bkorov
Let’s all step up to help this family!
My $18 plus everyone else’s will make a difference!
If 5000 readers will give $20 each, the goal will be reached.
May the family see many nissim and a complete refuah shelaima.
Speedy recovery bekarov mamash, besorot tovot
May Hashem bless this beautiful family and all of Am Yisrael with great health and revealed good- with Moshiach!