Chabad & Friends is a weekly program aired on community news service exploring facts, stories and anecdotes of the Rebbe and the Chabad-Lubavitch movement’s connection and communications within the frum Jewish world.
The program is presented by Rabbi Chaim Dalfin, a Chabad historian, an ethnographer of Chassidism and Director of the Jewish Enrichment Press publishing group. He is the prolific author of 60 books – most recently The Rav and Rebbe, Satmar and Lubavitch, Lakewood and Lubavitch, Rabbi Hutner and Rebbe.
He is currently working on the connection between Lubavitch and Torah Vodaath, the illustrious Yeshiva in the Kensington neighborhood of Brooklyn that has raised generations of Torah observant Jews for close to 100 years.
Rabbi Dalfin is a featured speaker in many Chabad centers and Jewish communities about Chassidic teachings and life. He is also the recording artist of Chasidic Nigunim: Learn, Understand and Sing.
Chabad & Friends is aired on Tuesday evenings on
VIDEO: Episode 4: Working Together
Rabbi Dalfin can be reached at [email protected] or
No one say they were not great they want Shalom? That was a big question. He would maintain that bocherim today do not understand the mesiras nefesh to uphold a yeshiva against all odds they could of merged with Mir had they not had mesiras nefesh. I once talked to rashag when the Israeli government was given out funds to the yeshivas in erezts yisroel and I remember the Rebbe at the time apposing taking funds because of the government’s conditions in giving the funds. The Rashag always had the best intentions in making things easier for the yeshiva he… Read more »
Pl call rabbi dalfin 3475121429
Great things! Hatzlacha rabba