In the aftermath of the tragic Simchas Torah massacre in Eretz Yisrael, the global Jewish community has rallied together, raising millions to address immediate needs. The eyes of the world remain fixed on Eretz Yisrael, and other causes may be seen to fall to the wayside. Is this really the time to run a fundraising campaign for Chinuch?
In fact, the most crucial and enduring support we can offer Am Yisrael right now is to strengthen Chinuch—the cornerstone of our survival.
The world is sustained through the Torah and Tefillah of children, הבל פיהם של תינוקות של בית רבן. We know that in the Purim story, when the Jewish people faced total annihilation, Mordechai Hatzaddik gathered 22,000 young students whose Torah and Tefilla broke the decree and brought a Yeshua.
Then as now, Chinuch, the education of our children, sustains the world. Today, the English-speaking Chabad chinuch world of 27,016 children that MEF reaches, mirrors the famous 22,000, and now is the time to ensure that the Torah of these children not only survives but flourishes and thrives. We need to grow our Chinuch system, ensuring that we have quality teachers and trained principals in our schools, while also bringing new children into the fold. This is the most vital work we can undertake in the face of adversity.
If we want children to utter the sweet words of Torah and Tefillah that keep our world going, we need to invest in the educators who are shaping their learning experiences. The Menachem Education Foundation has provided training and resources to 2,697 educators globally, equipping them with the tools necessary to navigate the complex landscape of Chinuch in today’s world. Through comprehensive training programs, 538 teachers have been empowered with the capacity to reach the whole child, fostering a profound connection to Torah filled with chayus and joy.
MEF’s multifaceted approach includes empowering 389 principals with robust leadership skills through Chabad School Leadership Programs. The annual Chabad Chinuch Convention gathers 600 educators worldwide, fostering a global community dedicated to excellence inChinuch. In an outreach effort, MEF has enrolled 556 public school students in Chabad day schools through the Our Heritage program, expanding the reach of Chinuch to every Jewish child.
As a community that has demonstrated unwavering commitment to Tzedakah, we understand the impact of collective giving. We saw how you rallied to raise millions for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael. Every act of Tzedakah is a mitzvah that helps bring the Geulah. But giving to Chinuch is doubly so. Supporting Chinuch is not a luxury—it is a necessity. Each hour of children’s Torah study literally sustains the world, strengthens Klal Yisrael, and brings us closer to Geula.
On November 28-29 – 15-16 Kislev, the Menachem Education Foundation is launching a critical fundraising campaign, aiming to raise $1.2 million to fortify our Chinuch system. We invite the community to urgently partner with us in this holy work through the Support Chinuch, Uphold the World campaign. Every dollar you give will be tripled. The world is sustained through the Torah and Tefillah of children, and MEF is leading the charge to transform Chinuch in the Chabad world and beyond.
Your support is instrumental in creating a vibrant Chinuch that inspires and empowers every child. Through a multifaceted approach, MEF empowers educators, inspires leaders, and enriches students’ lives with Torah-based educational experiences.
The WORLD is waiting for YOU to invest in the הבל פיהם של תינוקות של בית רבן, the sweet words of children’s Torah and Tefillah.
Give now at to jumpstart our campaign.
It is not just an investment in education, but a commitment to upholding the world.