It is all about hearing the sweet voices of boys spending quality time with their fathers learning Torah together.
Avos Ubanim begins this Motzei Shabbos in 12 different locations in Crown Heights, including Remsen Village and East Flatbush.
Agudah Shul – 456 Crown Street, Anshei Lubavitch – 578 Albany Avenue, Anshei Moshe – 1334 Lincoln Place, Basement of 770 Eastern Parkway, Beis Avrohom Yitzchok – 270 E 91st Street, Eliyahu Nachum – 672 Lefferts Avenue, Empire Shtiebel – 489 Empire Boulevard, Frankel’s Shul – 1699 President Street, Kehilas Lubavitch of East Flatbush – 460 Lenox Road, Lincoln Place Shul – 1185 Lincoln Place, Nosson’s Shul – 579 Brooklyn Avenue, Rayim Ahuvim – 1614 Carroll Street.
Use this golden opportunity to bond with your child in a real Torah atmosphere. Incentives and prizes galore with inspiring divrei chizuk top off this wonderful Motzei Shabbos experience.
Come and reap nachas!
The Avos Ubanim program is known as Avos Ubanim Betzalel in loving memory of Reb Betzalel Jacobson OBM, dedicated by his son Yerachmiel Jacobson.
Hope to see you this coming Motzei Shabbos.