Tuesday, 25 Adar I, 5784
  |  March 5, 2024

Applied Chassidus: ‘Rebbe Edition’

Watch now: As we approach Gimmel Tammuz, twenty years since our "sun was silenced," Rabbi Simon Jacobson brings a special "Rebbe Edition" of MyLife: Chassidus Applied. Video

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An Hour With the Rebbe Event

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thank you
June 24, 2014 5:48 pm

thank you for facing straight on a lot of topics that trouble us and prevent us explaining things to others. May you be blessed and may we all greet moshiach right away

#5 you are probably missing wisdom..
June 24, 2014 12:21 am

If you do those things it’s very nice….. But
Simon is talking about doing what the Rebbe strived and quested for all the years; to bring moshiach bepoel mamash. Of course you could do those things if you feel that way but this is not the main thing! Bring moshiach like the Rebbe yearned for. It is up to us to learn about moshiach and live moshiach! This is what is demanded from us! You don’t seem to get the whole shiur!!!

Thank you
June 23, 2014 1:53 pm

Deeply thank you and please please keep going!!

June 23, 2014 1:18 pm

Rabbi Jacobson: I didn’t hear the whole shiur yet, but in continuation to your speech at the even last night, maybe you can also address in one of your talks what the Rebbe writes in Hadran Al Ha-rambam 5746, seif 13 (printed in Likutei Sichos 27): that the way to achieve Moshiach’s arrival is learning Torah for its own sake. The Rebbe explains there that learning Torah for it OWN sake means learning not even in order to know what to DO, but simply because its Hashem’s Torah. And I heard from Reb Yoel that the Rebbe once added to… Read more »

silence שמש לא משתנה הבעיה עם החרשים אצלהם זה
June 23, 2014 3:26 am

The sun doesn’t get changed , the problem is with the deaf, the silence

how to observe the day
June 23, 2014 2:47 am

Besides for all the beautiful hings you mentioned about preparing for Moshiach ,

being the Rebbe wrote a letter for Yud Shevat,
Would not a proper response include to do the things mentioned in that lettter written in 5711

best yet
June 23, 2014 12:06 am

Most practical progam about 3Tammuz….

An hr super well spent
June 23, 2014 12:02 am

Learned from and enjoyed every minute of this hour.
May next week’s episode be broadcast from Yerushalayim!
Yosher Koach Reb Simon.

Love this class
June 22, 2014 8:50 pm

Please keep these series going. Very much enjoy what R. Jacobson shares every Sunday night.

June 22, 2014 8:16 pm

All the points were so beautifly clarified.
For those asking what needs to be done, as rabbi Jacobson spelled out quite clearly and it is what the rebbe said clearly on the following shabbosim of tut als vos ir Kent that the quickest way to bring moshiach is to learn inyonei geula umoshiach. And to live moshiach in all areas of life etc like explained in the lesson. Well needed. Ty!