By COLlive reporter
Beis Medrash L’Shluchim, a division of Merkos Suite 302, has launched an international initiative to have the teachings of the Alter Rebbe learned in honor of his 200th yartzeit.
The monumental works of Tanya, Shulchan Aruch Torah Ohr and Likutei Torah were divided into small learning portions during the 5773 Kinus Hashluchim.
During the convention, each Shliach received a blue booklet in their kinus bag with a chapter from one of these seforim for him to accept to learn.
The learning project is continuing online on Shluchim Exchange.
Anash can join the learning “chaluka” by choosing a section and adding their name near it – click here.
Thank you for adding as section for Anash to participate. I took a part of Tanya and a part of the Shulchan Aruch.
just figuring, thats loads of work!
Some Simanim have 2 on one page, that means combining 3 sets of sefarim!
how does ANASH receive such for this chaluka? how can we participate??