Photos: Chani Katzman @snappedbychani
The Rebbe’s mission resounds with clarity: “Every Jew must be reached.” Throughout the world, Shluchim have been dispatched to every corner, driven by this powerful mission. Together, we’ve embarked on this task with exceptional dedication, reaching and impacting Jewish lives far and wide. Now, as the future of the next generation of Chabad, we ask: Who will support us?
I am a newlywed 22-year-old, who grew up on Shlichus. My husband and I are the children who proudly contributed to the mission of our Rebbe. We were the counselors who spent summers in camps, the Shluchim who spent the year assisting with programs, and we embarked on mivtzoyim, proudly sacrificing our own comfort in the mission of reaching every Jew. Many young adults, like myself and my husband, who are post-Seminary and Yeshiva, either move to or wish to remain in Crown Heights for the opportunity of a robust social life, spiritual connection, and healthy independence. However, many young Chabad adults have found that there wasn’t a young community to join, a place to continue igniting our fires and connecting to our yiddishkeit, with options being either exclusive class shuls or very established shuls etc.
Rabbi Eli and Myriam Engelson, founders of The Soul House, didn’t merely establish a shul in Crown Heights; they created a strong, vibrant community where young Chabad adults finally found a place to belong. They embrace and nurture the souls of the next generation, the souls of your children. They created a Chabad house for the children of Chabad. They have cultivated a space of continuous Torah learning, free from judgment, no matter the person’s background, while pouring their hearts, resources, and energy into every program they organize for every holiday, Chassidic yom tovim, and shiurim.
The highlight lies in the Shabbas experience they offer, a crucial avenue for young adults who otherwise would not have a place to be, starting with a Chassidic shiur every Shabbos morning, a minyan, and completed with a three-course meal during the day. Rabbi Eli and Miriam have embraced the profound role of Mashpiim, providing emotional and spiritual guidance and support within the community of young adults, many of whom have felt cast aside in other environments.
Today I ask you: Embrace the Rebbe’s mission, the mission of EVERY Jew. We’ve supported campaigns for shluchim worldwide, all being worthwhile in order to urge a Jew to perform one more mitzvah. Now, your children, your neighbors, ask for your support. A community of young adults relies not only on our own contributions but also on the support of those who are more established, as we are in a phase of building our lives. Empower us and be apart of raising The Soul House to new heights. We are “Every Jew” too.
Click here to donate the the Soul House now.
Nice to read about this place, but where is it? Crown Heights is a big place. Please post address so I can visit one Shabbos and see it for myself.
the Soul House is a beautiful place but if you don’t already know where it is… probably not for your age demographic. The soul house is for young adults if crown heights ages 20+ – 36
Everyones welcome as long as youre respectful, not sure why someone would write this.
Huge gift to our community
Where is this shul located? What are davening and shiur times?
Could not agree more!
100% agree Myriam and Eli Engelson are literally the most amazing, generous and caring people we’ve ever meet.
We love being part of the Soul House family
Warm & inviting shul, love to see a place that is constantly having events for the community for a place go and make new connections
Great place to donate to!
Love coming to Soulhouse!! Literally a home away from home 🏠 please support!! ❤️❤️
This place is living a Moshiach reality. Literally the rebbes vision happening right in front of 770. The rebbe would be so proud
The engelsons are the best!
The best place ever! So welcoming and inclusive. Always making things special. The engelsons are such special people
the place I miss most when I’m away from crown heights <3
Best spot in ch
The most welcoming shul and throw the most amazing events.
We have our friends. Some of us have family. As a single person figuring out life in Crown Heights, it’s hard to find “community” And that’s exactly what Soul House gives us! It’s a safe place to come and learn and meet people. It’s a Shul and a social center. We celebrate Yomim Tovim and get inspiration and connection. We have a full Shabbos program there! Rabbi Eli and Myriam are so incredible and caring and deep!! You learn so much from their teachings and having farbrengens/conversations with them and even just from being in their presence! They’ve opened up… Read more »
Love this shul
Rabbi Eli and Myriam Engelson are bringing moshiach
My son goes there and loves it BH for such amazing people like Eli and Miryam that create a space like this which is so necessary and appreciated. THANK YOU!!!
This is the best shul in CH. As someone who became frum and inspired by the Chabad House i grew up in, i always felt like there was a certain spark missing in a lot of shuls, yeshivas, and communities in the frum community. The Soul House has that spark, the Englesons make very beautiful, thought out, and meaningful events. This is the Chabad that i fell in love with as a kid.
the most beautiful shul, an open home for everyone ❤️
This shul has truly become a home and welcoming base for my young adult child. I live out of town and came one week to see what it was all about and was so inspired by the deep Chassidishe, the variety of people, the wonderful atmosphere. If I lived in crown heights this would definitely be my shul!
A shlucha
The Englesons have literally created the most vibrant chabad house in Crown Heights.
Filling such a need for those that have experienced the warmth and excitement for Yiddishkeit that you feel around the world when you visit a chabad house.
Listening to the Maamer shiur shabbas morning with Rabbi Engleson is an absolute highlight.
I encourage everyone to pop in and feel alive with Torah & Chasidus.
Such a worthy cause, they are saving neshamos.
This shul has the best events for all the holidays and throughout the week. Filled with simcha, good food, and meaning. Such a warm and welcoming environment. Love the rabbi’s shiurim.
Thank you !
Thank you Rabbi Eli and Miriam Engelson for creating this space!
This is so nice to see to see, everyone goes on shlichus around the world and this couple stayed in Crowm heights for us, so special!
This is such a a beautiful and special shul. A real gift to the crown heights community
The Engelson’s filled a huge need in our community! So grateful for the community and for the beautiful inclusive, warm and inspiring contemporary Geulah atmosphere that Eli and Myriam created❤️ Please donate to support a space for our own, where everyone feels comfortable and welcome❤️
This is truly the best shlichus to donate to – please open your hearts to support a place that for many of us is what we call a community. Thank G-d for the continued inspiration and warmth that the Engelson’s and soul house provide with the most open hearts. It’s time to give back to our own❤️
Rabbi Eli and Myriam Engelson are G-d sent! Let’s help keep this shul running by donating TODAY!!!!!!
A need that is finally being fulfilled! Long overdue! Thank you to Myriam and Eli for making this dream a reality for so many!
This is my community, and the community of so many young adults in CH. The heart of it are Rabbi Eli and Myriam Engleson who take care of us all!