By COLlive reporter
Masks must be worn at all times at the main shul of 770 Eastern Parkway, gabboim notified the public on Friday before Shabbos.
This new policy comes as a few Israeli bochurim learning at the Yeshiva at 770 have tested positive for Covid-19 and cases are alarmingly on the rise in Crown Heights and other frum neighborhoods in New York.
During the first wave of coronavirus, the main shul was fully closed off for the first time in its history to avoid spreading the illness. The community has suffered many deaths.
Once reopened, many residents and bochurim felt secure enough to openly forgo health restrictions such as wearing a face covering and social distancing from each other. This attitude has been seen in other shuls as well.
But with the rise in cases, Dr. Eli Rosen and Rabbonim have warned about residents davening in 770 Eastern Parkway.
“Given the recent developments of continued positive cases in our community, many of which are associated with 770, and given the inherent crowded indoor mixing nature of 770, we strongly advise that all people avoid davening in 770 for the time being,” they said, stressing that currently “there is significant risk of contracting the virus in 770.”
In a message to the community, Rabbi Yosef Braun of the Crown Heights Beis Din said, “The doctors have recently notified to avoid davening in 770 due to the high risk of being there at the moment,” he said. “The rabbonim fully support this statement of the doctors in relation to being cautious of those risks.”
“As to what the administration of the shul should do based on these guidelines, this also includes the possibility of closing 770 (G-d forbid) if that is necessary, unfortunately,” Rabbi Braun continued.
“There are other options on the table, as to how they can operate in a more safe way, that is under discussion with the Gabboim,” he said.
On Friday, Agudas Chassidei Chabad has announced that the davening and selichos in the Rebbe’s room upstairs in 770 will be open to a very limited amount of people.
“Due to the unfortunate increase in the number of people who have recently been infected with coronavirus, all residents must raise their level of caution and act responsibly in order to prevent further spread,” they said.
What a joke. Please tell me how many hospitalizations we have? Just because there are positives means nothing.
The schools! What about all the unmasked adults in schools ?
A bunch of Goyim-that means every single door way going in to 770. Goyim with “fully respect” of Yiden, should make sure to wear a mask & they should “the Goyim” do a temperature check. & it includes every single Shabbos & Yom Tov. Every Shul out of New York City dose it, we in our Shechuna is no different…….IT WILL SAVE LIVES!!!!! That will ONLY keep 770 open…….the whole year around.
Please don’t forget to check your own temperature
Please explain what you are saying
Thank You
I still see people in the pictures without masks.
And most of the people in the pictures who have their mask on, put it on their chin or nose.
These pix prove that 770 must be closed asap
Have you heard of any new cases in our community with complications.
We have been told this virus can mutate and so far have not heard of any new cases with complications in our community.
People learnt to take zinc & vit C. and all is good
Zink, Quercetin, Vitamin D, Vitamin C.
The Quercetin helps the cells open up and absorb the zinc. The zinc prevents the virus from being able to replicate. Zelenko’s protocol.
I don’t understand why people don’t know about this yet.
avoid drugs at all cost. Stick with kapital chof and You’ll be fine. Tehillim protocol.
Sure! sounds good to me ☺️. Do as you wish. It’s still a (semi) free country.
These are over the counter vitamins. Not drugs. Just saying.
If we close 770, then all thise people will go to the smaller shuls and make them at risk. People will be coming here from higher infected states and countries.
Why cant we all just wear masks for our own sakes our families and our neighbors, like the rest of the world??
The shuls will be crowded, this will be our only protection,
…we are to — in effect — turn 770 over to the _kvutznikim_ and _verboten_ Tishrei visitors (and those locals who still choose to take the risk of attending, despite the clear advice of the Doctors and Rabbonim) for the duration, it appears, right?
And zinc.
why are they here altogether???
The doctors and Rabonim were very clear, don’t come and spread the virus, yet they are here. What a חוצפה and עזות to defy the Rabonim and Doctors of this community.
How much should this community suffer because some have an urge to leave their homes
The rabonim and Dr’s gave the ok to Those who have antibodies basically who is really going to test everybody or really see if they have antibodies so once you crack open the door you’re making it OK for everyone to come in
A huge percent (from 10 to 50%) of the tests is given wrong positive when people are not.
That’s incorrect.
Actually there is 30% FALSE negatives that are positives, there are NO positives that’s are negative.
Actually the testing done is very innaccurate. They are so sensitive that they are picking up dead viral particals and calling it positive when they are not! I confirmed this with a local doctor who admitted they are being threatened with loosing their license/job if they come out against this nonsense (of locking everyone down and masking everyone up)!
On rosh hashana they should only let in those who bought a seat. I.e no people from out of town
I didnt know everyone in CH had seats, wanna sponsor one for me? Not all of have a yerusha of seats from our elter bubble or zaide
If they are low risk, they can go to 770 but everyone must wear masks to protect themselves and others. It’s a slight inconvenience but reflects a lot of ahavas yisroel.
The nostrils as well as the mouth need to be covered. As a nurse I have to wear an eye shield as well as a mask for my 12 hour shifts. You can’t be bothered to wear a mask properly while davening? Yet, if you wind up in the hospital, you expect me to give you the best of care….which includes wearing my PPD’s properly?
Here’s another example of our dear fellow Jews consciously going against the rules and not considering the damage they are causing. THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED IN ISRAEL!!!!
send them back now…now when they have time to get home for yom before they infect more people
The whole thing is a joke. Did the doctors and the Rabbonim really think the yeshivas were going to take this seriously? No foreigners should be allowed. Period! Now we all have to deal with their foolishness!
Masks are a feel good movement
Prove me wrong
I can prove you right. Ask anyone working in construction that had to get an OSHA certification. They will tell you just how useless these surgical/cloth masks are against dust, let alone a virus so tiny that it can’t be seen by the naked eye
Why do you think doctors have been wearing masks in hospitals for decades–to feel good?
I dont understand how there are so many people without masks and theyre putting it under their nose or chin but nothing is happening to them?