Thursday, 26 Tammuz, 5784
  |  August 1, 2024

4 Ways Crown Heights Can Protect Itself

From the COLlive inbox: A concerned resident shares 4 ways locals can protect their stores and homes during this time of lawlessness in New York City. Full Story

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Recommendation for window bars, fire escape gates
June 29, 2020 12:07 am

Zadok Zvi
Greater New York City Area
Dates Employed 1980 – Present
Employment Duration 40 yrs
Location 236 Johnson Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11206
Owner, manufacturer of structural and ornamental ironworks. Kendi Iron Works, Inc. owns and operates 6 patented inventions as well as two trademarked names; Kendi® Fire Exit Gate and Sunshine Gate® Fire Exit Gate. The most prominent legal and approved emergency egress gates in NYC.
Zadok’s Profile
kendiironworks.com/ (Company Website)

Excellent article
June 29, 2020 12:33 am

Thank you!

Security cameras
June 29, 2020 12:39 am

Moshe Sabbach did a great job for us!
Polite and courteous.
Works with the client and their budget.
He works, fast, efficiently and extremely neatly.
Leaves the work area cleaner than he found it!
A real mentch and a gem in the community!
His number is (718) 326-1875

Mehudar Mezuzas!
June 29, 2020 12:41 am

The only protection a Jew needs.

Outdoor lights!!!
June 29, 2020 12:52 am

We need outside lights on every corner of every building!!!
Light up the night.

June 29, 2020 12:53 am

There is law couple years old regarding any new store front roll up gates that half needs to be sectional where you can see inside old gates are grandfathered..

Full Gates
Reply to  Gates
June 29, 2020 9:34 pm

Most NYC Stores rather have their Merchandise then get looted so they have Full Strong thick gates regardless, Some have a full gate but thin enough in the center to very lightly somewhat seethru it but still being a full gate so its considered seethru but it is full, Regardless this law is crazy, stupid & reckless, the city council decided this law about 10 years ago and the result is stores get looted, We need someone to reachout to Council Members, Kalman Yeger & Chaim Deutsch to Draft a bill eliminating this stupid law that tells stores to Not… Read more »

Put FULL Gates for your Stores.
Reply to  Gates
June 29, 2020 9:44 pm

“We took great pains in this bill to make sure we balanced quality-of-life issues and graffiti eradication with the real-life financial challenges small businesses are facing in this recession,” said the Council speaker, Christine C. Quinn. “That’s why the bill has a lengthy time frame.” “The solid gates have a forbidding quality, recalling the bad old days of 1970s-era New York, when a desire to encourage window-shopping was superseded by a concern over rampant crime and occasional looting” “But in other cases, solid gates might have helped. During the blackout that struck the city in the summer of 1977, looters… Read more »

Manhattan is boarded up
Reply to  Gates
June 29, 2020 10:54 pm

There is a reason why half of Manhattan is currently boarded up now, Because most Stores in Manhattan did Not have Gates during the Riots 3 weeks ago, If you don’t have gates and a Mob comes to riot like Manhattan had in the beginning of June, Then you end up needing to board up the store but After the items were all stolen from the store, Lets Iyh pick in CH Gates over Bordered up wood.

June 29, 2020 12:54 am

I got gates during the riot time. There may be better, but I used Neal and he came fast and did what looks like a good job to me. I think the company is Iron Gates or something like that.
(347) 202-3327
Tell him Isaac from Crown Heights recommended him. He did give me a a cash discount.

Active measures for protection
June 29, 2020 1:25 am

Yaakov Avinu showed us the way to deal with an approaching enemy.. first davening, then attempt appeasement.. and then, preparation for physical war. This requires a adequate supply in each community of klei zayin in the hands of responsible people. It’s a worst case last resort scenario and one we hope to avoid but, like life insurance, better prepared than unprepared.

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  Active measures for protection
June 29, 2020 10:26 am

Form a group of strong men. Armed with baseball bats, etc.
Make a decoy.
Follow on bikes or foot.
When the decoy is approved or attacked, strike the perpetratos hard!
We have to do what the government doesn’t do– protect us.
Have a lawyer available.

why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 1:32 am

We have been taking these reactionary precautions for the last fifty years in Crown Height and yet nothing has changed. Yes, if you lock the door to your house you decrease the chances of you home being robbed, but the stats of the safety of CH hasn’t changed! Perhaps it is time that we take another approach to this issue. I believe that when some people see bars on every window they become more likely to commit the crime. It’s almost as though they view it as a challenge. Furthermore, the average black male in CH knows just how racist… Read more »

Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 8:04 am

Those of us who lived in CH before, during, and after Giuliani, saw the incredible difference that law-and-order leadership makes. As far as your other comments, it’s hard for people who have been victimized to get past that. I heard recently, (not an exact quote) that the Rebbe advised saying good morning to your neighbor. It prevents difficulties. If someone knows the exact loshon, please post it.

Not just good morning
Reply to  Hello
June 29, 2020 9:27 am

The rebbe spoke about saying good morning to your neighbor and also teaching him about the 7 laws of noach. It was in the same sicha at the fabrengen. The rebbe stressed the importance of teaching 7 laws of noach because without fear of hashem you have what we have now. Fear of police is not enough. Must fear an eye that sees and an ear that hears.

Thank you
Reply to  Not just good morning
June 29, 2020 11:14 am

In addition to the 7 Laws, we must push for a Moment of Silence in the public schools.

Gentile Living In Crown Heights
Reply to  Not just good morning
July 6, 2020 9:55 pm

As a gentile living in Crown Heights my Jewish neighbors don’t bother with me but they also don’t bother me. I’ve lived in different parts of NYC among all types of groups. It’s only in Crown Heights when I see a group of Jewish teenagers male or female am I not worried. I know they are not going to hurt me. I cannot say that about any other group in NYC. I also know that if I asked for help from one of my Jewish neighbors they would help me. In the end I just want to be treated respectfully… Read more »

Our fault?!
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 8:37 am

Your comment is labeling and offensive. There are frum black skin folks that are part of the community examples aren’t necessary because it’s petty and feeding into your racism. The color of skin doesn’t effect the way most people in this community treat others, that said most violent crimes in the neighborhood are done by black people and calling it any other way is in fact racist

It is OUR fault?
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 9:18 am

Oh, do you mean it is our fault that we are Jewish? Or, do you mean that it is our fault that we are law-abiding? Or do you mean that is our fault that some people choose to live a life of crime and we should be available to be their punching bag? Yes, that is what you mean. And you know it too. Stop pulling out the race card.

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  It is OUR fault?
June 29, 2020 10:38 am

Why did you answer that rasha?!
Perhaps he’s Black?

This is insane
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 10:20 am

Literally insane. The writer belongs in a straitjacket and a padded room. Criminals commit crimes because they are BAD PEOPLE, and for no other reason. Being nice to them may make them choose a different victim, but it won’t stop them doing what they do. And it is a FACT that the proportion of criminals among black people is far higher than it is in any other community. There has to be a reason for that, and it is NOT racism. It is not anything external to that community. There is something about that community that makes its members MANY… Read more »

Chaim Hershkop
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 10:22 am

“The average black male in CH knows just how racist the Frum community is”. How dare you make such a false and vicious accusation against a whole community you racist antisemit. And you do so without post your name, so a coward as well! We will not allow this to stand. Not only are we attacked from the outside, we are attacked with slander from the inside, which always hurts more. Post your name so we can have a real face to face (civil)conversation. And live by example, post your address and inform everyone (Jews and non-Jews) that your home… Read more »

Reply to  Chaim Hershkop
June 29, 2020 3:20 pm

I totally agree with you, but the fact is that there are quite a few people in our community that have racist opinions. I mean, nearly all of the kids in chedarim act racist, even though they might not understand the problems with doing so. The source of this is probably not teaching kids that being racist is bad and not enforcing it, and also, of course, the fact that the Black community does, and I repeat does single us out from other people and willingly attack us.

Chaim Hershkop
Reply to  Yeah
June 29, 2020 4:57 pm

When our kids start attacking black people, well have something to worry about. In a court of law and in life, you can not testify on what someone was thinking, you can only testify on deed/action.
Kids are kids, they are mean to each others, that’s another issue. This does not mean they are evil or are taught this at home etc… Contact me to speak about this face to face.

Chaim Hershkop
Reply to  Yeah
June 29, 2020 5:04 pm

The good and hard working Jewish people of Crown Heights don’t have time for this garbage. Most of us are busy with raising our own tribes and all the great challenges that brings B”H. We get up, we go to work and want to live in peace. MOST of us get along with our neighbors. Are there issues? Absolutely!! issues between Jews and Jews and issues between other neighbors. In general we get along fine with those who we live with. Most trouble comes from the outside (except the trouble that comes from within…see comment above for example…the enemy within… Read more »

The person who wrote the above thing
Reply to  Chaim Hershkop
June 30, 2020 2:54 pm

Is this comment directed towards me? The one above it. Oh, and also, I don’t understand why six people disagree with me, it is true that there are quite a few Jews that are racist for any reason.

Chaim Hershkop
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 10:32 am

This right here in what a self hating Jew looks like. He has bones to pick so he targets his own brothers and sisters. Why? Because we are easy targets and he knows it. He knows he’s safe spewing this venom towards us (especially by not posting his name – Coward!) Know this, there are proud Jews who stand up for their fellow Jews, you will have to come through us!! Who are we, we are out there everyday 24/7 looking for ways to make our neighbors lives a little bit easier, with acts of goodness and kindness. While YOU… Read more »

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 10:36 am

Your comment belongs in the trash bin together with you.
Motzei Shame Ra, Loshon HaRa, etc
You’re also a coward.
No name.
Thanks for holding back Redemption.
Perhaps you’re a spy?

Our Fault!?
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 11:41 am

Everything you write screams racist, “you are doing all the labeling/generalizing for the black community, “the average Black male in CH Knows… makes him more likely to commit crimes” what a racist statement, I don’t see color, there’s criminals and law abiding citizens, protecting your homes and not standing as a punching back doesn’t equal racist.

Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 12:56 pm

You are absolutely right about greeting neighbors. But…. “Our fault?!” Avi Goldman was NOT our fault! R’ Dovid Okunov was NOT our fault! Shlomo (“Vaad Seudas Shlomo”) was NOT our fault! Mrs Lapine was NOT our fault! Yankel Rosenbaum was NOT our fault! Are you even aware of these names? Shame on you! ask mechila from all the above and their families! “The voice of your brothers blood is screaming out to us from the ground”!

Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 1:25 pm

We were warned about missionaries in CH. Don’t you have other websites to visit?

Reply to  why are we doing this
June 29, 2020 7:00 pm

Are you out of your mind? I can take your entire comment and disprove it, fact by fact. But for now, I’ll settle with just a few sentences. 1. “The average black male knows just how racist our community is, etc.” — When we were persecuted in Russia, in Poland, in Spain, in the US, in Israel, and in countless other places, did we react with crime? NO!!!! By being rightfully wary of random people, we protect ourselves, we don’t help commit crime. Fact is, 95% of crime in CH is caused by blacks. So of course I’m going to… Read more »

Yes absolutely
Reply to  why are we doing this
June 30, 2020 9:06 am

Instead of just dealing with antisemitism, we also have to deal with the consequences of the racism of Frum Jews towards the black community. Those who ignore that are just in complete denial. But I gave up trying to tell them this since they are sure they are so perfect and they don’t need to change a thing..

Reply to  Yes absolutely
July 2, 2020 7:17 am

So true! Everybody here is denying that there’s a problem with racism in the Jewish Community, I got 10 downvotes lol from people thinking that there’s no problem.


June 29, 2020 1:33 am

Tracht gut vet zein gut why so pessimistic

So you don't bother with medical advice...
Reply to  Emunah
June 29, 2020 10:22 am

…because you just live on emunah?! You don’t look both ways before crossing the street, because you have emunah that you won’t be hit?!

Cobble weapons
June 29, 2020 4:42 am

Cobble stones that surround our trees are simply weapons in waiting. As our friend learned in the park a short time ago. When he was almost murdered, with a cobble stone. Please dispose of these immediately.

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  Cobble weapons
June 29, 2020 10:40 am

Powerful vigilantism and strong attacks against the perpetrators will spread a feeling of fear of the Jews throughout Crown Heights.
Shimon & Levi
Be proactive not defensive.

Im lo achshav aimasai?
June 29, 2020 6:05 am

Gun gemach and training groups for license

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  Im lo achshav aimasai?
June 29, 2020 10:41 am

Government won’t help us.
There’s too much money invested in crime.

Full gates are illegal
June 29, 2020 6:12 am

Check the code !
You did not mention once מזוזות
Your scare tactics won’t work (קליפא) .
We had the 1991 riots , Same Hashem watches us

Reply to  Full gates are illegal
June 29, 2020 4:37 pm

THe first thing he mentioned was mezuzos

Window Bars?
June 29, 2020 7:38 am

Are window bars a fire safety hazard? If there is a fire, sometimes people need to escape via windows, especially from basements with only one exit. Experts, please respond.

Recommendation for window bars, fire escape gates
Reply to  Window Bars?
June 29, 2020 8:43 am

That’s why I recommended Kendi Ironworks. A unique design that can be opened easily from the inside.

Fire Escape Window Bars
Reply to  Recommendation for window bars, fire escape gates
June 29, 2020 12:03 pm

On Most Basements that have 2 or more Exits putting Bars outside All Windows are recommended, But correct just like by Apartment Buildings, Most Apartment Windows that are by a Fire Escape have a Bars Gate/Door from the inside & It fully locks but it can open from the inside in case Chas Visholom of a fire, That would be ideal for a basement with only 1 or 2 exits

Smoke Detectors / Carbon Monoxide Detectors
Reply to  Window Bars?
June 29, 2020 12:24 pm

It is also a good idea in general but especially when having bars on all the windows to make sure that your Smoke Detectors / Carbon Monoxide Detectors Batteries are working, As well there are these new model dual Smoke Detector/Carbon Monoxide Detectors that are sold in most hardware stores in Usa that have 10 year built in battery’s so you don’t need to change the battery every year.

Great article
June 29, 2020 8:17 am

Thank you for practical advice and words of wisdom! With all that has happened safety has been weighing on my mind. I’m glad someone not only spoke up but outlined excellent ideas.

June 29, 2020 8:23 am

Move out of NYC to a place with low crime and establish the community there. I doubt the Rebbe would want us to live in dangerous environment.

Move NOT!
Reply to  Move
June 29, 2020 10:10 am

For your info, The Rebbe spent YEARS of Effort into saving Crown Heights. The very fact that crown heights still exists is a testimony to the Rebbe’s success. In one sentence which the Rebbe cried, screamed and begged: “WE DONT ABANDON A YIDDISHE COMMUNITY!!” The Rebbe asked Rabbonim to pasken and even had a mugeh sicha printed in Hapardas (the prestigious Halocha journal edited by Rabbi Simcha Elberg) FORBIDDING Yidden to abandon en mass a Jewish neighberhood. And before you tell me that it was different back then, let me inform you A) The police did almost NOTHING (unlike today)… Read more »

The more you know...
Reply to  Move NOT!
June 29, 2020 11:11 am

Heh, that’s interesting. Didn’t know about some of CH’s history. Could you please explain what R’ Yisroel Shemtov did, and why did he earn the namesake The Red Devil?

Bit of history on the Rebbe's position on CH
Reply to  Move NOT!
June 29, 2020 8:37 pm

By Rabbi Yossi Paltiel

from 6:05 (8 min)

See also this excellent article by A Chassidisher Derher

I believe Beis Moshiach also had an article in their English weekly Magazine over the past year but I can’t find it at present

Reply to  Move NOT!
July 3, 2020 5:15 am

Just some thoughts, tznius in our neighborhood can protect us as well, like the mezuzos. Skirts, not pants, and dresses not shirts.
This is vital!

June 29, 2020 8:46 am

I am begging every home owner to please turn on your outdoor light! It’s for our own safety . Since the city switched to led streetlights and lowered the voltage the streets are just not bright enough ! Please put a reminder or anything to ensure this happens. If you need then set it on a timer !!! Please please

Light at night, should not contain blue. No LEDs
Reply to  Resident
June 29, 2020 9:39 am

Light at night needs to be between red and yellow. Blue light at night disrupts our internal clock so that we cant sleep well and it makes people sick.

LED’s and fluorescents always have blue. Regular tungsten or halogen will always be broad spectrum and towards the red.

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  Resident
June 29, 2020 10:42 am

Vigilantism…break heads

June 29, 2020 9:24 am

Get OUT Of Crown Heights. Move to Monsey, Batimore, Cincinnati, Philadelphia

Baltimore Philadelphia
Reply to  WAKE UP!!!!
June 29, 2020 9:52 am

Those are the worst places to live what really should happen is that frum people must lobby the local government to allow us to practice are constitutional 2nd Amendment rights all of the problems will disappear immediately( do you hear of problems in Florida or Texas!)

Move NOT!
Reply to  WAKE UP!!!!
June 29, 2020 10:14 am

And read the above comment “MOVE NOT!”

Every word that person wrote is true. And there is much more he didn’t write

Boruch Hoffinger
Reply to  WAKE UP!!!!
June 29, 2020 10:44 am

Chabad does not run.
The Rebbe spoke about this.
Vigilantism — break heads.
The fear of the Jews will spread, and peace and quiet will reign.

And then what?
Reply to  WAKE UP!!!!
June 29, 2020 7:03 pm

When people are mugged/robbed/threatened there, where do we go? We have to stand up for ourselves in CH.

Lights that turn on automatically at dusk
June 29, 2020 9:34 am

Every home should have lights that turn on at dusk and off at dawn automatically
Everyone should check mezuzos.
There should be more torah learning for everyone as it protects us and cleans the air

Mezuzos should be checked
June 29, 2020 9:38 am

Mezuzos should be checked and there should be more learning as it protects us
Lights that go on at dusk and off by day should be installed.
Motion detecting lights that go on when someone appeoaches are good too but are a problem for shabbos and yom tov

Eretz Yisroel ???!!!
June 29, 2020 9:49 am

Did anybody mention our Homeland.
Monsey is not the answer.

June 29, 2020 10:04 am

Shmira and shomrim are great

Reply to  What
June 29, 2020 12:08 pm

Yes Shmira & Shomrim are both BH very good, But the more community members that join, the more effective they can try to be by having more members respond to help our coummunity.

June 29, 2020 10:34 am

everyone should go online at licensing.nypdonline.org and do the paperwork for a home premises gun and those with businesses can do the same for business premises it takes 6 months but if you start today you’ll get it faster then if you wait till it gets even worse and you lose time

Boruch Hoffinger
June 29, 2020 10:46 am

What! Run to a Palestinian state!
Shimon & Levi… Vigilantism.

Thank you Shmira
June 29, 2020 11:39 am

Thank you Shmira!

Thank you
June 29, 2020 2:28 pm

Thanks so much for your concern about other people and writing this article. In my point of view I think checking your mezuzah is the thing that can help most.

get a gun
June 29, 2020 2:33 pm

get yourself a firearm license now

June 29, 2020 4:03 pm

personal jails aka window bars etc are not the answers protect yourselves make sure the women at least have pepper spray air horns. baseball bats other legal weapons should be present by every entrance door for example a 12-18″ piece of metal pipe 3/4, 1″, 1 1/4″ 1 galvanized is cheapest then black or if you are handy a 12,14,18″ iron monkey wrench a large size open end wrench. one might think about weapons training & licensing. Don’t count pon the police chances are they will respond either late or not at tall & in any case do nothing learn… Read more »

We need unity!
June 29, 2020 8:48 pm

I think now would be a great time for Shmira and shomrim to unite together!
Thoughts please!?

Absolutely, Unity.
Reply to  We need unity!
June 29, 2020 10:40 pm

Long overdue, BH the relationship between both groups have been much much better recently, Its time for whatever small different opinions both groups have to be fully put in the past & have a United Shomrim-Shmira group, Together they will be able to accomplish much more together in helping to protect ch.

Ahavas Yisroel and Shalom with both organizations.
Reply to  We need unity!
June 29, 2020 11:31 pm

In a time of danger Yidden have always united together, Obviously we don’t need a time of danger to make shalom between both shmira and shomrim organizations, But with the current dangerous Matzav in New York City and in Crown Heights, What better opportunity to show Hashem that as Yidden we can come together and join as one, Please if anybody from any of these organizations has the ability to bring both organizations together to make full peace and shalom between both organizations, now is the time, in general since corona started Yidden & Shluchim throughout the world that have… Read more »

Yes Please
June 29, 2020 11:06 pm

If 1 person tries to carry something heavy, he can carry it for a certain amount of time, But if 2 people carry that same heavy item they can both carry it for many many times more than if just 1 person tried, Because when 2 people work as a team there is much more accomplishment, Same for our neighborhood, if 2 groups help with safety & security, But they are doing it separate by themselves, They can accomplish but nowhere near the amount of accomplishment that the 2 groups can do by teaming together, By being together with Achdus… Read more »

Moshiach now!
June 30, 2020 8:45 am

Hashem please give us moshiach,we need it so much more at this time! AD MOSAI?????!!!!!!!!!

Arm Yourself
June 30, 2020 11:04 am

I think out is a good idea to look into getting a handgun licence or rifle permit. It’s not an immediate abet because it takes 6 months to process, but it can be done, and who knows what will be in 6 months.

Maybe even purchase a rifle upstate – you don’t need a licence for any long send update. Get your gun upstate, begin practicing and familiarizing yourself win it, so by the time you get your NYC permit in 6 months, you’ll be ready.

We need moshiach now!!...
July 3, 2020 8:21 am

AD MOSAI?????!!!!!!