On Thursday, Hey Tammuz, at 6:00 pm, the Razag Hall in Crown Heights was filled with joy and celebration as two entire classes of Cheider ‘Ohr Menachem’ completed the remarkable feat of learning 12 Perakim Tanya Ba’al Peh. This momentous occasion was marked with a grand Siyum, attended by Rabonim, Mashpi’im, parents, grandparents, and community leaders, all gathered to honor the achievement of these young students.
The ‘Ohr Menachem’ Tanya Baal Peh program, launched on Yud Daled Kislev 5781, aimed to have every student memorize 12 Perakim of Tanya by heart before their Bar Mitzvah. Through three years of dedication and hard work, the students, teachers, and staff worked together to achieve this goal.
The evening’s festivities were led by Rabbi Chanoch Hecht and Rabbi Avrohom Rainitz, who had planned and guided the program since its inception. Rabbi Nachman Schapiro, senior Mashpia of Oholei Torah and proud grandfather, led the Rebbe’s Kappitel, followed by words of inspiration from Rabbi Menachem Mendel HaKohen Hendel, the Menahel Kloli of Ohr Menachem. He concluded with an emotional Birkas Kohanim, and announced a special gift of three coins from the Rebbe were dedicated by Rabbi Zalman Chanin to encourage future cazzara of the 12 perokim to be raffled off at the “Chagigas Hasiyum”.
Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz, the Menahel, praised the program’s impact on the entire cheder, highlighting the students’ sharpened minds and increased bekius. He thanked the teachers and personally congratulated each student by name. Kita Vov Talmidim – ‘Ohr Menachem Kapeliya’ choir sang “Hachayeinu Keil,” authored by the Frierdiker Rebbe, adding to the evening’s beauty being between Gimmel and 12-13 Tammuz.
Following the Special Niggun, Rabbi Itche Mishulovin shared stories of learning Tanya Baal Peh as a young Bochur in a hidden tomchei temimim in the USSR. Rabbi Getzel Rubashkin represented the parents, expressing gratitude for the program’s transformative impact on their homes. Rabbi Levi Belinov, of Kita Hey Ohr Menachem, representing all the teachers praised the program and the joy of beginning each day with the words of Tanya Baal Peh.
The Siyum was made by the Kita Hey Talmidim, followed by a heartwarming video depicting the students’ journey from Alef to 7th grade. Each teacher received a leather-bound Tanya with their name imprinted, and every student received a certificate and numerous Seforim. The event concluded with wishes for a speedy Moshiach, one of the segulos of learning Tanya.
What a beautiful idea
Looks and sounds great!
How did they do that?
I want to watch them say all 12
One Shabbos one of them be tested in shul for 45 minutes on all the 12 at once…!