On Wednesday morning, the Tomchei Temimim Zal was filled with excitement and pride as Talmidim and staff gathered for a Siyum on Masechet Baba Basra, the conclusion of an outstanding successful year in Yeshiva and the Siyum Sa’shas.
The Mashpi’im and Roshei Yeshivos took the stage, expressing heartfelt admiration for each Talmid’s achievements. They commended the Bochurim for their dedicated efforts throughout the year, highlighting their commitment to learning and personal development. Encouraging them to continue their growth over the summer and during their Shlichus, the Mashpiim offered practical advice and shared stories of impactful experiences.
Special Recognitions and Rewards:
Those who excelled in Shmiras HaSdorim received dimes from the Rebbe and large, inspiring pictures of the Rebbe.
Each Talmid who was tested on the entire Maseches Bava Basra was awarded up to $1750.
Every Talmid received a special souvenir to commemorate the event.
Special appreciation was expressed by the Hanhala and Bochurim to the Talmidei Hashluchim for enhancing every day in the Yeshiva, including the learning, Mivtzaim, Shabbatons, trips, and most of all, being true role models for all the Talmidim.
The highlight of the event was the Siyum Hashas by Hatomim Mendel Rosenberg. This was exceptionally inspiring and emotional for the Bochurim and staff that Witnessed Mendel’s consistent growth and diligent learning over the last two years.
Following his Siyum, Mendel passionately spoke of how attainable this goal is for each Bochur and urged them to take it on. In response, ten Bochurim raised their hands and committed to completing the entire Shas over the next two to three years.
This past Shabbos, the Bochurim, Shluchim and many of the staff joined an unforgettable Shabbaton in White Lake, New York. The Shabbaton provided a unique opportunity for Talmidim to connect with each other and their Mashpiim, reflect on their year and plan ahead for the future.
A packed schedule of Farbrengen, S’udos, discussions, panels, bonfire and more made every minute – from Friday afternoon till sunday morning – both Geshmak and meaningful. This was followed by a trip to boating and horseback riding for those who earned it.
On Friday, Shiur Alef and Shiur Beis had a meaningful conversation about The Bochurim and staff, concluding the year in Yeshiva with great pride of what was accomplished and looking forward to a growing success next year, B’Ezras Hashem.
Mazel tov Mendel
We are so proud of you! May you continue giving your parents Nachas.
Go Mendel rosenberg ! We are so proud of you!!
Love your favorite auntie and uncle
Go Mendel!!! You are so awesome
From your oxnard fans!
If you only knew how special this bochur is.
As a good friend of Mendel I can honestly say that Mendel is a humble, low-key bochur who has accomplished amazing things in yeshiva
You inspire many that don’t know you. Mchoyil el choyil.