By COLlive reporter
Yisrael Yudkin, an IDF soldier from Kfar Chabad, Israel, was killed in battle in Gaza, it was announced on Wednesday, 14 Iyar, 5784.
He was 22.
He is the son of R’ Tovia and Tzippy Yudkin of Kfar Chabad.
Yisrael’s father was in Crown Heights last week as he sat Shiva after the passing of his father, R’ Schneur Zalman Yudkin obm. He is currently traveling back to Israel for the funeral.
In the past, it was reported about his family that four of the eight members of his family serve or have served in the IDF in a variety of capacities.
Yisrael was known for his good and kind heart, his friends said. He was planning to bring meat from Kfar Chabad to make a barbecue for his fellow IDF soldiers on Lag B’Omer, they said. He loved to help everyone, and was a Commander in his unit who had a great love for Israel.
The Vaad of Kfar Chabad said in a statement:
“It is with great sadness and great pain that we announce the death of the soldier Yisrael Yudkin in a difficult battle in the Gaza Strip.
“Yisrael is the son of Rabbi Tovia and Tzippy Yudkin, longtime residents of Kfar Chabad.
“The Vaad together with the residents of Kfar Chabad stand with the family in this difficult time and pray together for Israel’s victory over the enemies and for the return of all the hostages.”
The information on the Levaya and Shiva will be updated when available.
Baruch Dayan Ha’emes.
May the family be comforted. May our people know of goodness and happy news only. Terribly sad, oy. Hashem Yerachem
כמה עוד אפשר???? גיבור ישראל
Ad mosai!!!
Please post shiva and levaya information as soon as you have it.
Levaya info:
130 pm tomorrow Thursday from his parents home in Kfar to beis menachem shul to be followed at har Hertzel cemetery in yerushalayim
Tragic news, Baruch Dayan Ha’Emes
What a loss, Moshiach now!!
at what point are Torah schoolars and frum jews going to stop joining the idf to fight
and refuse drafts
move to the USA
The argument against “frum” people fighting has nothing to do with the issue of the dangers. A non religious person being killed while serving is just as tragic as a “frum” person.
90% of those that gave their lives in the war are the tzaddikim from the dati le’umi community. They are all the kedoshim – whether or not you consider them “frum” Jews joined the IDF to protect OUR country. Please stay in the USA – we don’t need people like you here in Israel.
Why should frum Jews not join the fight? Hamas and others who want to kill us don’t say “Oh! Stop, don’t murder that Jew — he’s religious!”
ברוך דיין האמת
לצאת מעזה זה שדה קרב המיועד להרג וקטל חיילי צה”ל. את עזה משמידים מהאויר. למה להכנס לבנינים ומנהרות מלאות חומר נפץ. הסדר העולמי השוויצרי בראשות קלאוס שוואב. וכל האליטה העולמית.בעד מלחמה. חמאס והערבים אויבים אבל מי שנותן להם רעיונות ונשק ונמל ומשאיות הם האירופאים והאמריקאים ששייכים לבנים החופשיים. והבוגדים בישראל שהם חלק מהסדר העולמי. אין אפשרות לניצחון בעזה. כמו באוקראינה המטרה הרג חיילי צה”ל והשמדת הצבא. לכן הלחימה צריכה להיות בלי כניסה וכיבוש עזה בידי כוחות רגלים.
השם יקום דמו של הקדוש החייל. הלב נשרף על מות חיילי צה”ל הקדושים
This is a war of survival. Please do what you can to support our troops.
Give them money to help them , pray for them and help their families with kind words and good deeds. The families of the soldiers are worried sick.
These soldiers are our children, fathers, brothers and husbands.
With G-d’s help we will succeed.
ברוך דיין האמת – השם ינקום דמו
His blood is on the governments’ hands .A pointless war that should never have started!
May his soul rest in peace .
So Hamas should feel free to kill and take hostage and so forth with impunity?
Moshiach now! Where is H’?!
we want moshisch now!
The rebbe was very clear, he always said that the generals and the military men should make the decisions in israel’s wars, not the politicians. The rebbe spoke so much about shleimus haaretz. How I wish his advice was taken years ago, and we would be here, but at least it should be taken now. It is still all relevant as if he spoke about it yesterday. It’s our land, its not ours to give away, and we don’t listen to the politicians, Israel should do what it must militarily. May we have no more pain and suffering, may there… Read more »
He was not just a soldier, but a dedicated comandor to his men. There was nothing he did not make sure they had, Chizuk events, Shabbos food, Taanis ester breakfast, Purim dancing, a seder. Just last night he got the wonderful Shalich Rabbi Sharon Ohayon to make a lavish pizza party hours before this incident. I myself was on his base but a few months ago to help feed his men. We brought them lunch, and Shabbos food from Kefar Chabad. Whoever has not gone and seen will not understand. These guys are putting their lives on the line mesiras… Read more »
So sad! This war has to stop
As soon as Hamas is destroyed once anc for all. Not a moment sooner.