Friday, 18 Nisan, 5784
  |  April 26, 2024

When the Rayatz Quit Smoking

Motzoei Shabbos story: The Rebbe Rayatz was known to chain smoke, but all that changed during a check-up with Dr. Joseph Wilder. Full Story

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#6, how ignorant can one be?
July 1, 2018 9:59 am

No vaccine is 100% effective. And some people *can’t* be vaccinated. But if everyone who can be is, then there’s enough immunity for everyone to be protected. Every person who can be vaccinated but chooses not to be damages the general immunity and endangers everyone.

To #2
July 1, 2018 7:24 am

So what’s the point of vaccinating if you can get the diseases anyway?🙄

to the author
July 1, 2018 12:55 am

what is the source to your writing:
At the end of his examination, Dr. Wilder took out a cigarette for himself and offered one to the Rebbe Rayatz. The Rebbe Rayatz looked at him with surprise. The doctor may not have internalized the news he had relayed, but the Rebbe Rayatz had already made a life-changing decision.

To 1
June 30, 2018 11:44 pm

You’re funny. I mean, to take a Rebbe at such face value is a joke. Have you any idea of the greatness of our Rebbeim? The exactitude of their every word? Why, the Rebbe said full sichos on alone that one of the Rebbeim said as a child, or in passing. Learn self control from this story – we all have so little of it. Just to propose, the Rebbeim did not need doctors to heal them- as seen by how they heal everyone else. Why do they use doctors? For reasons unbeknown to us. However, this may be because… Read more »

actually the point is
June 30, 2018 11:39 pm

to listen to a doctor when it comes to health because only doctors have the power to heal Gemara Berachos 60a and not some guy who ‘did his own research’

To #1
June 30, 2018 10:24 pm

I don’t usually write comments here, but am doing so in hopes that I can change the opinion of even one anti-vaccinator. If any person who does not vaccinate catches a usually vaccinated disease – even if they cure themselves successfully – they can pass it on to someone who has been vaccinated. I myself have had several vaccinations for a disease, none of which have worked. I am a young, generally healthy bachur. Doctors told me that I will never be immune to this disease, and will always catch it when I come into contact with it. Baruch Hashem,… Read more »

And this addresses the recent pro-vaccine post...
June 30, 2018 4:47 pm

…The Rebbe’s opinion can change according to the information that gets to him. During the time the Rebbe answered people regarding vaccines it was not known how much the pharmaceutical companies who stood to gain enormous profits from the administering of vaccines, had influence on the FDA and the medical establishment.