Thursday, 23 Elul, 5784
  |  September 26, 2024

What Today’s Youth Are Actually Intuned To

Response op-ed by Rochi Schtroks: “How do we deal with the fact that the word Kabolas Ol seems to have a negative connotation with some of today's youth?” Full Story

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Parents have to....
March 20, 2024 1:21 am

Guide a child according to HIS way so when hes old he wont depart from it…. unfortunately parents guide a child according to the parents way and bring a negative kibud av vam dictating vibe which forces certain children to leave because we are here to serve Hashem not parents! Parents are emissaries of G-d but NOT G-D HIMSELF! Same applies with kabalos old. I believe this generation needs to be retaught how chassidus was meant to be and not how it has become aka using chassidic terms with wrong intentions and definitions according to human man made mentality.

March 20, 2024 1:42 am

Intuned is not a word. Part of the gap is that educators refuse to learn about the new world that their charges live in. We say America is no different, but the times are very different, and the more time passes, the more understandable it is to feel like educators who have not learned about the new world’s challenges are giving excuses instead of explanations, and that demanding acceptance is just what happens when the educator runs out of excuses. I’m sure that’s not actually true for any educator, but the sentiment that being very unaware of what is happening… Read more »

Re-state your argument
Reply to  Hatamim
March 21, 2024 7:04 am

Your clarity in expressing yourself leaves room for improvement. I could not understand you.

Excellent point
March 20, 2024 2:16 am

And well written.

chicken egg
March 20, 2024 2:33 am

one leads to the other. which is first? you care about a child and its development, but seek to develop it into subjugating itself (kabalos ol) to der aibershter. so which is it that you seek to develop – the child or der aibersher? in a conversation about kabalos ol and children and education, might be worthwhile to do honest inventory as to really what your objective is and whose interest you most care about. that will guide you to know how and what you do and make a cleaner easier conversation. hiding oneself from the truth or your truth… Read more »

Right on target
March 20, 2024 8:58 am

I really enjoyed the article and you clarified everything in a way that gives us strength as chassidim to have true kabalos ol.
I feel that most people who are against the inyen of kabbalos ol are traumatized by their upbringing were people abused the term.
Growing up my parents would lovingly tell us this is our way, you are making Hashem so happy ect.

Thank you
March 20, 2024 5:14 pm

Rochi you are %100 right!